I tried to use the older pokemon series pokedex as inspiration for this project.
- Load list of pokemon from pokeapi and generate a recycler view on that.
- Add clickEvent to recycler view
- Generate another activty with details
- Added types matching color to pokemon games
- Added images with proper styling like old pokedex, even a blue orb on top!
- Add cries and map it to the black button image
- Search on the Recycler View (I'm having trouble doing that, if someone reads this and knows how, please let me know!)
- Pokemon description text
- Base stats
- Maybe something related to moves
App Demo (graininess because of bad gif converter, not in app): currently the gif is in the repo, will move it to a different project just for blobs or some other method to fix issue later
Use it however you please for learning purposes, if you can somehow make money using this just tell me how atleast xD.