Version 1.3.1
This release is a security and improvement update. Read the changelog below carefully before updating as some changes slightly affects backwards compatibility.
- Important: removed no comment notice when comments are closed and empty (backwards compatibility affected).
- Important: removed irritating #more-{$post->ID} anchor no longer added in WP core themes (backwards compatibility affected).
- Important: removed article panel box negative margins on mobile (backwards compatibility affected).
- Important: removed logo image alt output filter (backwards compatibility affected). Removed since the image alt text can be modified using Beans HTML API.
- Added automatic escaping to tighten security.
- Added comment form fields dynamic grid columns.
- Added beans_reset_markup and beans_reset_attributes functions.
- Added submenu type and location subfilters.
- Improved API fields escaping and HTML format to tighten security.
- Improved global code formatting.
- Improved global PHP inline documentation.
- Modified beans_sanatize_attributes function to beans_esc_attributes (backwards compatibility applies).
- Fixed global assets compiling enqueued flag which was causing jQuery (and sometime other files) conflicts with some plugins when the Compile all WordPress scripts is enabled and set to Agressive.
- Fixed comment fields responsive grid spacing.
- Fixed off-canvas navigation spacing.
- Fixed post meta conditions string support.
- Fixed post meta not displaying on new posts (the issue only occurred on the 'post' post type).
- Fixed incorrect text-domain.
- Removed unnecessary javascript semicolon separator.
Please make sure to clear the assets caching under Appearance->Settings for the CSS off-canvas fix to be applied.