Version 1.3.0
This release contains new added features and major improvements (read the release note after the changelog for more).
- Added post gallery support using Beans HTML API and UIkit grid.
- Added UIkit autoload dependencies *.
- Added page template to post meta conditions.
- Added breakpoint argument to beans_layout_grid_settings filter.
- Added Beans path and url constants overwrite.
- Added Beans API path and url constants overwrite.
- Added missing UIkit grid width used in the post gallery.
- Improved header and footer structural html by moving them in their own template files so that it can be manipulated using the Actions API.
- Improved global performance.
- Improved theme assets compiling performance.
- Updated UIkit to version 2.24.3 (see UIkit changelog for more info).
- Updated screenshot to comply with WP Directory requirements.
- Modified Theme URI to comply with WP directory requirements.
- Modified Compiler and Lessc to use WP Filesystem.
- Modified BEANS_API_COMPONENTS constants to BEANS_API (backwards compatibility applies).
- Modified beans_define_constants action order and priority.
- Modified embed.php file location.
- Fixed breadcrumb CPT compatibility.
- Fixed atypical widgets added using the_widget() function (fixed Monster Widget plugin).
- Fixed url and path functions when Apache mod_userdir is enabled.
- Fixed PHP comment typography mistake.
- Fixed RSS widget undefined url warning.
- Deprecated beans_compiler_dir filter for security and compatibility purposes (backwards compatibility affected but files will automatically move to the upload folder).
Update note:* The stand out features are the WP gallery support, UIkit autoload dependencies* and the new admin fields - page template relationship in order to organise the content according to the front end. Various improvements where made featuring WP directory compliancy.
* The new UIkit autoload feature cleverly find dependencies. I.E. if you enqueue slider, it automatically enqueues slidenav. In order to keep full control over the components enqueued, the autoload parameter may be set to false.