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Adding MartexLibrary as a dependency to your build system


You can have your project depend on MartexLibrary as a dependency through the following code snippets:

            <name>GeorgeV22 Repository</name>



You can include MartexLibrary into your gradle project using the following lines:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""

dependencies {
    compileOnly "com.georgev22.library:{artifact}:10.0.0:all"

Building MartexLibrary


MartexLibrary can be built by running the following: gradle clean build shadowJar. The resultant jar is built and written to {artifact}/build/libs/{artifact}-{version}.jar.

The build directories can be cleaned instead using the gradle clean command.

If you want to clean (install) and build the plugin use gradle clean build shadowJar command.


MartexLibrary is an open source GNU General Public License v3.0 licensed project. I accept contributions through pull requests, and will make sure to credit you for your awesome contribution.