We will be using GCC-4.9.1 for this project1.
If you are on lxplus, you can get it by sourcingsource /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/external/gcc/4.9.1/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt/setup.csh
We will be using ROOT-6.06/06 for this project.
If you are on lxplus, you can get it by sourcingsource source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/ROOT/6.06.06-5e975/x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt/bin/thisroot.csh
This analysis uses LHAPDF-6.1.2 which has been installed in the $HOME directory.
It is needed for compiling and running main.x in ./hhDilep_pseudoanasol/gmake clean && gmake main.x && ./main.x
You can install LHAPDF-6.1.2 by running
source /bin/installLHAPDF-6.1.2.csh
In order to run the Selection.C root script and installation of Delphes-3.4.0 in the $HOME directory is needed. You can install it by running
source /bin/installDelphes-3.4.0.csh
For me, it works with ROOT 6.06/06 and gcc 4.9.1 which I load form lxplus.
If you are not on lxplus, it should work by just downloading these versions on your local machine
and editing the appropriate lines in DelphesEnv.csh and installDelphes.csh
Due to the relatively large phase-space scan of main.x, the analysis takes quite a bit of time to run on a single machine. That's why we rely on HTCondor's resources to allow us to use parallel processing by submitting multiple jobs at a time.
If you want to study a certain PHYSICS_PROCESS = (pptohh, ttbar1, pptoohhsm, etc...) run
source create_jobs.csh pptohhsm
source submit_jobs.csh pptohhsm
if PHYSICS_PROCESS = pptohhsm. Else, change it accordingly.
A full list of the available PHYSICS_PROCESS is in physics_processes.txt
After the jobs finish running, use
root -l -b code/createHistos.C'("pptohhsm")'
to create histograms for the process pptohhsm.
Except for when we are compiling LHAPDF, where we will use 4.7, but this process is essentially outside the project. ↩