is a community Jupyter Docker Stack image. The image includes major geospatial Python & R libraries on top of the datascience-notebook image. It also contains libraries that allow operations over climatic data.
Click on the following badge to launch a notebook on the
- Docker Hub
Docker Pull Command for Docker image.
docker pull scioquiver/notebooks:cgspatial-notebook
- Dasst
- anytime
- analogues
- dssatR
- devtools
- dismo
- dplyr
- fields
- geosphere
- gstat
- kernlab
- landsat
- latticeExtra
- maptools
- raster
- rasterVis
- rgdal
- rgeos
- RStoolbox
- Rwofost
- sp
- spatstat
- tidyr
- vroom
- future
- furrr
- doSNOW
- earth
- FactoMineR
- parallelDist
- trend
- climatrends
- caretEnsemble
- ggspatial
- adehabitatHR
- tcltk2
- ggplot2
- fastcluster
- foreach
- tidyverse
- cluster
- stringr
- glue
- pacman
- purrr
- fst
- lubridate
- sdm
- distances
- rlang
- gdistance
- caret
- bindrcpp
- proc
- maxnet
- usdm
- tictoc
- snow
- gtools
- domc
- ade4
- doParallel
- adehabitatHR
- ggspatial
- doMC
- caretEnsemble
- proj4
- mclust
- fpc
- Rquefts
- reshape
- genesysr
- rgbif
- Shapely
- geopandas
- rasterio
- pyrasterframes
- ipyleaflet
- scikit-learn
- scikit-image
- xgboost
- Keras
- tensorflow
- PyTorch
This project is developed with the helpful guide of Jupyter Docker Stacks. The base container is jupyter/datascience-notebook and this Community Stack is setup via the guide.