This project is from O'Reilly eBook MERN e-commerce from scratch. Bug fixes, minor UI/UX modifications are added by myself. Backend is implemented with Node.js, Express, MongoDB. Frontend is powered by React.js, Redux and Bootstrap.
This application providers features below.
- User Actions
- User registration/log-in using JSON Web Token (User authentication/authorization)
- User adds products into cart
- User purchases using PayPal payment system using PayPal Sandbox account
- User product review and rating
- Admin Actions
- Admin tracks orders and marks delivered orders as complete
- Admin can add/edit/remove products
- Admin routes are protected by auth middleware
- Product Search
- Highlighted Products (based on product ratings)
- This application is fully responsive on mobile screens
To run a server npm run start
To run a client npm run client
To import base data to remote database npm run data:import
To remove data in remote database npm run data:destroy
Heroku build script npm heroku-postbuild