NOTE - This repository is no longer maintained
Brings PNCTL event to event loop.
composer require gos/pnctl-event-loop-emitter
use React\EventLoop\Factory;
use Gos\Component\PnctlEventLoopEmitter\PnctlEmitter;
$loop = Factory::create();
$pnctlEmitter = new PnctlEmitter($loop);
$pnctlEmitter->on(SIGTERM, function () use ($loop) {
//do something
$pnctlEmitter->on(SIGINT, function () use ($loop) {
//do something
Handle double CTRL+C
use React\EventLoop\Factory;
use Gos\Component\PnctlEventLoopEmitter\PnctlEmitter;
$loop = Factory::create();
$pnctlEmitter = new PnctlEmitter($loop);
$pnctlEmitter->on(SIGINT, function () use ($loop) {
$this->logger->notice('Press CTLR+C again to stop the server');
if (SIGINT === pcntl_sigtimedwait([SIGINT], $siginfo, 5)) {
$this->logger->notice('Stopping server ...');
//Do your stuff to stop the server
$this->logger->notice('Server stopped !');
} else {
$this->logger->notice('CTLR+C not pressed, continue to run normally');