This is my personal website, where I showcase my portfolio, share my thoughts, and connect with like-minded people. You can visit it here
- About Me
- Portfolio
- Contact Me
In this section, I introduce myself, share my professional background, and discuss my skills and interests. I want to make sure that visitors to my site get to know me better and understand what I have to offer.
In this section, I showcase my work, including projects I've completed, articles I've written, and any other creative output. I want to demonstrate my skills and expertise, and give potential clients and collaborators a sense of what I can do.
In this section, I provide information on how to reach out to me, including my email address, social media profiles, and any other relevant contact information. I want to make it easy for people to get in touch with me and start a conversation.
In developing my personal website, I used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I also used a responsive design framework to ensure that the site looks great on all devices, from desktop computers to mobile phones.
This website is licensed under the MIT License. This means that anyone is free to use, modify, and distribute the code for any purpose, as long as they include the original license file.