The Perl Advent Calendar is a series of articles that run from December 1 to 25 each year.
Raise an issue suggesting your topic.
Fork the repo and start a new article. The script will prompt you for a few things and will create a new file for you under YEAR/incoming/.
$ perl script/new_article
Edit your article, and test it as you work:
$ perl t/article_pod.t 2023/incoming/your-article.pod
When you are satisfied, create a pull request. You can keep working on the article and pushing updates to your fork; the pull request will automatically see the updates.
To create some root files from archives.yaml
- list of advent calendarsarchives-AZ.html
- list of modulesarchives-Yd.html
- list of articles
Execute the following script:
$ perl mkarchives .
cpm install -g WWW::AdventCalendar App::HTTPThis
Then build all recent calendars
$ for year in $(seq 2011 2023); do cd $year && advcal -c advent.ini -o `pwd` && cd ..; done
Start HTTP webserver in one line:
$ http_this --autoindex .
You can visit