This repository is for data streaming and processing using pyspark, kafka, flink and druid.
contains a json file with some queries to be performed on data.
The data folder contains compressed json file which has sunbird telemetry data.
this folder has python scripts to create spark session, reading json file and pushing events into kafka. - creating instance for the python class Telemetry - python script to read events from kafka topic (here "sb-telemetry") - python class to create spark session and push events into kafka
this folder has python script and dependencies to execute a flink job. - python script to read events from kafka, apply some transformations on the datastream and push the events into kafka again.
this folder contains ingestion spec and native queries.
this folder contains unittest files to check functionality of python codes existing in src folder, and also contains json files with test scenarios.
this folder consists of json files which have different scenarios for the test cases
Before you start working on the project, create your own github repository and generate SSH, GPG keys for authentication. for more information, refer below:
Note: Python version (3.6, 3.7 or 3.8) is required for PyFlink.
run python -V (if version is not displayed run sudo apt install python3)
after installing python, run "python -m venv my-project-env"
then virtual environment named my-project-env will be created.
run "source my-project-env/bin/activate" to activate
run "pip install requests" & "python -c "import requests"" only for the first time.
to close the virtual environment, type "deactivate"
install required dependencies in requirements.txt file
"pip install -r requirements.txt"
create a new directory using "mkdir dir_name"
to navigate into directory use "cd path/to/dir_name"
create a new file (say python file) use "touch"
to execute a python script, use command "python" or "python path/to/"
to create docker containers, type "docker compose up" in the terminal
refer for installation of docker
type the following commands in the terminal to generate test coverage report
"coverage run -m unittest discover"
"coverage report"
"coverage html"