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Version 1.4.9

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@peace-maker peace-maker released this 23 Mar 13:33
· 69 commits to master since this release

Version 1.4.9

  1. * Added mod support for Alien Swarm, CSPromod, E.Y.E and Nuclear Dawn
  2. + Added admin name to dublicate admindetails error message
  3. + Permission to permaban now follows sm_unban permission, even when sm_unban is overridden. (Thanks psychonic)
  4. ! Fixed problem with lost password page (Thanks to Qabandi)
  5. ! Fixed SQL injection exploit (Thanks to endreu)
  6. ! Fixed status regex to handle the new formatted "status" command output.
  7. ! Fixed some log spaming bugs in the plugin (SQL_FetchRow)
  8. ! Fixed playername ending in a backslash causing javascript error on unban/delete
  9. ! Fixed searching for a name containing a questionmark in the quick search causes sql error
  10. ! Fixed not checking for dublicates when changing the server ip/port
  11. ! Fixed the accordion widget to fail on init on various pages randomly. (Thanks Nephyrin)
  12. ! Fixed total bans count isn't right
  13. ? Updated IpToCountry.csv