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Generalize PatchPair with Quant wrapper #456

merged 10 commits into from
Dec 10, 2024
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implement PatchPair using new Quant datatype
danmatichuk committed Dec 10, 2024
commit ed87d7f16a4db71312e86af663497b4253e6d8c1
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion src/Data/Parameterized/TotalMapF.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ module Data.Parameterized.TotalMapF
, apply
, compose
, zip
, mapWithKey
, traverseWithKey
) where

import Prelude hiding ( zip )
@@ -55,6 +57,12 @@ newtype TotalMapF (a :: k -> Type) (b :: k -> Type) = TotalMapF (MapF a b)
instance TraversableF (TotalMapF a) where
traverseF f (TotalMapF tm) = TotalMapF <$> traverseF f tm

mapWithKey :: (forall x. a x -> b x -> c x) -> TotalMapF a b -> TotalMapF a c
mapWithKey f (TotalMapF m) = TotalMapF $ MapF.mapWithKey f m

traverseWithKey :: Applicative m => (forall x. a x -> b x -> m (c x)) -> TotalMapF a b -> m (TotalMapF a c)
traverseWithKey f (TotalMapF m) = TotalMapF <$> MapF.traverseWithKey f m

instance (TestEquality a, (forall x. (Eq (b x)))) => Eq (TotalMapF a b) where
m1 == m2 = all (\(MapF.Pair _ (PairF b1 b2)) -> b1 == b2) (zipToList m1 m2)

@@ -77,7 +85,7 @@ class HasTotalMapF a where
totalMapRepr :: forall a. (OrdF a, HasTotalMapF a) => TotalMapF a (Const ())
totalMapRepr = TotalMapF $ MapF.fromList (map (\(Some x) -> MapF.Pair x (Const ())) $ allValues @a)

apply :: OrdF a => TotalMapF a b -> (forall x. a x -> b x)
apply :: OrdF a => TotalMapF (a :: k -> Type) b -> (forall x. a x -> b x)
apply (TotalMapF m) k = case MapF.lookup k m of
Just v -> v
Nothing -> error "TotalMapF apply: internal failure. Likely 'HasTotalMapF' instance is incomplete."
112 changes: 106 additions & 6 deletions src/Data/Quant.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -53,16 +53,25 @@ module Data.Quant
, ToQuant(..)
, HasReprK(..)
, ToMaybeQuant(..)
, pattern QuantToOne
, generateAll
, generateAllM
, pattern QuantAsAll
, pattern QuantAsOne
) where

import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Constraint

import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableF
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TotalMapF as TMF
import Data.Parameterized.TotalMapF ( TotalMapF, HasTotalMapF )
import Data.Parameterized.WithRepr

-- | Wraps the kind 'k' with additional cases for existential and
-- universal quantification
@@ -72,12 +81,13 @@ type OneK = 'OneK
type ExistsK = 'ExistsK
type AllK = 'AllK

type KnownHasRepr (k0 :: k) = KnownRepr (ReprOf :: k -> Type) k0

-- | Similar to 'KnownRepr' and 'IsRepr' but defines a specific type 'ReprOf' that serves as the runtime representation of
-- the type parameter for values of type 'f k'
class (HasTotalMapF (ReprOf :: k -> Type), TestEquality (ReprOf :: k -> Type), OrdF (ReprOf :: k -> Type)) => HasReprK k where
class (HasTotalMapF (ReprOf :: k -> Type), TestEquality (ReprOf :: k -> Type), OrdF (ReprOf :: k -> Type), IsRepr (ReprOf :: k -> Type)) => HasReprK k where
type ReprOf :: k -> Type

-- we need this so that quantification is necessarily bounded in order to meaningfully compare universally quantified values

allReprs :: forall k. HasReprK k => TotalMapF (ReprOf :: k -> Type) (Const ())
allReprs = TMF.totalMapRepr @(ReprOf :: k -> Type)

@@ -96,6 +106,12 @@ data Quant (f :: k0 -> Type) (tp :: QuantK k0) where
QuantExists :: Quant f (OneK k) -> Quant f ExistsK
QuantAny :: Quant f AllK -> Quant f ExistsK

generateAll :: HasReprK k => (forall (x :: k). ReprOf x -> f x) -> Quant f AllK
generateAll f = QuantAll $ TMF.mapWithKey (\k _ -> f k) allReprs

generateAllM :: (HasReprK k, Applicative m) => (forall (x :: k). ReprOf x -> m (f x)) -> m (Quant f AllK)
generateAllM f = QuantAll <$> TMF.traverseWithKey (\k _ -> f k) allReprs

-- Drop the type information from a 'Quant' by making it existential instead.
toQuantExists :: Quant f tp1 -> Quant f ExistsK
toQuantExists x = case x of
@@ -121,6 +137,7 @@ pattern QuantSome x <- (fromQuantSome -> Just (Refl, Some x))

{-# COMPLETE QuantOne, QuantAll, QuantSome #-}

instance FunctorFC Quant where
fmapFC f = \case
QuantOne repr x -> QuantOne repr (f x)
@@ -139,6 +156,9 @@ instance forall k. HasReprK k => TraversableFC (Quant :: (k -> Type) -> QuantK k
QuantAll g -> QuantAll <$> traverseF f g
QuantSome x -> QuantSome <$> traverseFC f x

quantToRepr :: Quant f tp -> QuantRepr tp
quantToRepr = \case
QuantOne baserepr _ -> QuantOneRepr baserepr
@@ -150,6 +170,17 @@ data QuantRepr (tp :: QuantK k0) where
QuantAllRepr :: QuantRepr AllK
QuantSomeRepr :: QuantRepr ExistsK

instance KnownHasRepr x => KnownRepr (QuantRepr :: QuantK k0 -> Type) (OneK (x :: k0)) where
knownRepr = QuantOneRepr knownRepr

instance KnownRepr QuantRepr AllK where
knownRepr = QuantAllRepr

instance KnownRepr QuantRepr ExistsK where
knownRepr = QuantSomeRepr

instance IsRepr (ReprOf :: k -> Type) => IsRepr (QuantRepr :: QuantK k -> Type)

instance forall k. (HasReprK k) => TestEquality (QuantRepr :: QuantK k -> Type) where
testEquality (QuantOneRepr r1) (QuantOneRepr r2) = case testEquality r1 r2 of
Just Refl -> Just Refl
@@ -175,7 +206,7 @@ instance forall k. (HasReprK k) => OrdF (QuantRepr :: QuantK k -> Type) where
compareF QuantSomeRepr (QuantOneRepr{}) = GTF
compareF QuantSomeRepr QuantAllRepr = GTF

instance forall k f. (HasReprK k, (forall x. Ord (f x))) => TestEquality (Quant (f :: k -> Type)) where
instance forall k f. (HasReprK k, (forall x. Eq (f x))) => TestEquality (Quant (f :: k -> Type)) where
testEquality repr1 repr2 = case (repr1, repr2) of
(QuantOne baserepr1 x1, QuantOne baserepr2 x2) -> case testEquality baserepr1 baserepr2 of
Just Refl | x1 == x2 -> Just Refl
@@ -222,6 +253,15 @@ instance forall k f. (HasReprK k, (forall x. Ord (f x))) => OrdF (Quant (f :: k
(QuantAny{}, QuantAll{}) -> GTF
(QuantAny{}, QuantExists{}) -> GTF

instance (HasReprK k, forall x. Eq (f x)) => Eq (Quant (f :: k -> Type) tp) where
q1 == q2 = case testEquality q1 q2 of
Just Refl -> True
Nothing -> False

instance (HasReprK k, forall x. Ord (f x)) => Ord (Quant (f :: k -> Type) tp) where
compare q1 q2 = toOrdering $ compareF q1 q2

-- Defining which conversions are always possible
class ToQuant f (t1 :: QuantK k) (t2 :: QuantK k) where
toQuant :: f t1 -> QuantRepr t2 -> f t2
@@ -260,4 +300,64 @@ instance HasReprK k => ToMaybeQuant (Quant f) (tp1 :: QuantK k) (tp2 :: QuantK k
(QuantOne{}, QuantAllRepr) -> Nothing
-- in general we could consider types that themselves have defined conversions between
-- their type parameters (i.e nested Quants), but this level of generalization seems excessive without
-- good reason
-- good reason

data AsOneK (f :: QuantK k -> Type) (y :: k) where
AsOneK :: f (OneK y) -> AsOneK f y

class (Antecedent p c => c) => Implies p c where
type Antecedent p c :: Constraint

instance Implies (IsOneK AllK) c where
type Antecedent (IsOneK AllK) c = c

instance Implies (IsOneK ExistsK) c where
type Antecedent (IsOneK ExistsK) c = c

instance c => Implies (IsOneK (OneK k)) c where
type Antecedent (IsOneK (OneK k)) c = IsOneK (OneK k)

class (tp ~ (OneK (TheOneK tp))) => IsOneK tp where
type TheOneK tp :: k

instance IsOneK (OneK k) where
type TheOneK (OneK k) = k

asQuantOne :: forall k (x :: k) f tp. HasReprK k => ReprOf x -> Quant (f :: k -> Type) (tp :: QuantK k) -> Maybe (Dict (KnownRepr QuantRepr tp), Dict (Implies (IsOneK tp) (x ~ TheOneK tp)), ReprOf x, f x)
asQuantOne repr = \case
QuantOne repr' f | Just Refl <- testEquality repr' repr -> Just (withRepr (QuantOneRepr repr') $ Dict, Dict, repr, f)
QuantOne{} -> Nothing
QuantAll tm -> Just (Dict, Dict, repr, TMF.apply tm repr)
QuantExists x -> case asQuantOne repr x of
Just (Dict, _, _, x') -> Just (Dict, Dict, repr, x')
Nothing -> Nothing
QuantAny (QuantAll f) -> Just (Dict, Dict, repr, TMF.apply f repr)

-- | Cast a 'Quant' to a specific instance of 'x' if it contains it. Pattern match failure otherwise.
pattern QuantToOne :: forall {k} x f tp. (KnownHasRepr (x :: k), HasReprK k) => ( KnownRepr QuantRepr tp, Implies (IsOneK tp) (x ~ TheOneK tp)) => f x -> Quant f tp
pattern QuantToOne fx <- (asQuantOne (knownRepr :: ReprOf x) -> Just (Dict, Dict, _, fx))

-- | Project a total function from a 'Quant' if it is universally quantified.
pattern QuantAsAll :: forall {k} f tp. (HasReprK k) => () => (forall x. ReprOf x -> f x) -> Quant (f :: k -> Type) tp
pattern QuantAsAll f <- ((\l -> (case toMaybeQuant l QuantAllRepr of Just (QuantAll f) -> Just (TMF.apply f); _ -> Nothing) :: Maybe (forall (x :: k). ReprOf x -> f x) ) -> Just (f))

data QuantAsOneProof (f :: k -> Type) (tp :: QuantK k) where
QuantAsOneProof :: (KnownRepr QuantRepr tp, Implies (IsOneK tp) (x ~ TheOneK tp)) => ReprOf x -> f x -> QuantAsOneProof f tp

quantAsOne :: forall k f tp. HasReprK k => Quant (f :: k -> Type) (tp :: QuantK k) -> Maybe (QuantAsOneProof f tp)
quantAsOne q = case q of
QuantOne repr x-> withRepr repr $ Just (QuantAsOneProof repr x)
QuantExists q' -> case quantAsOne q' of
Just (QuantAsOneProof repr x) -> Just $ QuantAsOneProof repr x
Nothing -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing

-- | Project out the element of a singleton 'Quant'
pattern QuantAsOne :: forall {k} f tp. (HasReprK k) => forall x. (KnownRepr QuantRepr tp, Implies (IsOneK tp) (x ~ TheOneK tp)) => ReprOf x -> f x -> Quant (f :: k -> Type) tp
pattern QuantAsOne repr x <- (quantAsOne -> Just (QuantAsOneProof repr x))
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/Pate/Binary.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ where
import Data.Parameterized.WithRepr
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TotalMapF as TMF
import qualified Data.Quant as Qu
import Data.Quant ( Quant, QuantK)
import qualified Prettyprinter as PP
import Pate.TraceTree

@@ -119,3 +122,10 @@ instance KnownRepr WhichBinaryRepr Patched where
type KnownBinary (bin :: WhichBinary) = KnownRepr WhichBinaryRepr bin

instance IsRepr WhichBinaryRepr

instance TMF.HasTotalMapF WhichBinaryRepr where
allValues = [Some OriginalRepr, Some PatchedRepr]

instance Qu.HasReprK WhichBinary where
type ReprOf = WhichBinaryRepr

6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Pate/Equivalence.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -526,8 +526,8 @@ eqDomPre ::
eqDomPre sym stO stP (eqCtxHDR -> hdr) eqDom = do
st = PPa.PatchPair stO stP
maxRegion = TF.fmapF (\st' -> Const $ unSE $ simMaxRegion st') st
stackBase = TF.fmapF (\st' -> Const $ unSE $ simStackBase st') st
maxRegion = (\st' -> Const $ unSE $ simMaxRegion st') st
stackBase = (\st' -> Const $ unSE $ simStackBase st') st

regsEq <- regDomRel hdr sym stO stP (PED.eqDomainRegisters eqDom)
maxRegionsEq <- mkNamedAsm sym (PED.eqDomainMaxRegion eqDom) (bindExprPair maxRegion)
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ eqDomPost sym stO stP eqCtx domPre domPost = do
st = PPa.PatchPair stO stP
hdr = eqCtxHDR eqCtx
stackRegion = eqCtxStackRegion eqCtx
maxRegion = TF.fmapF (\st' -> Const $ unSE $ simMaxRegion st') st
maxRegion = (\st' -> Const $ unSE $ simMaxRegion st') st

regsEq <- regDomRel hdr sym stO stP (PED.eqDomainRegisters domPost)
stacksEq <- memDomPost sym (MemEqAtRegion stackRegion) stO stP (PED.eqDomainStackMemory domPre) (PED.eqDomainStackMemory domPost)
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/Pate/Interactive/Render/Proof.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import qualified Data.Parameterized.NatRepr as PN
import Data.Parameterized.Some ( Some(..) )
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TraversableF as TF
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC as TFC
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as DV
@@ -286,7 +287,7 @@ renderRegVal domain reg regOp =
PPa.PatchPairSingle{} -> Just prettySlotVal
_ -> Just prettySlotVal
vals = TF.fmapF (\(Const x) -> Const $ PFI.groundMacawValue x) $ PPr.slRegOpValues regOp
vals = TFC.fmapFC (\(Const x) -> Const $ PFI.groundMacawValue x) $ PPr.slRegOpValues regOp

ppDom =
case PFI.regInGroundDomain (PED.eqDomainRegisters domain) reg of
@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@ renderMemCellVal
-> Maybe (PP.Doc a)
renderMemCellVal domain cell memOp = do
guard (PG.groundValue $ PPr.slMemOpCond memOp)
let vals = TF.fmapF (\(Const x) -> Const $ PFI.groundBV x) $ PPr.slMemOpValues memOp
let vals = (\(Const x) -> Const $ PFI.groundBV x) $ PPr.slMemOpValues memOp
let ppDom = case PFI.cellInGroundDomain domain cell of
True -> PP.emptyDoc
False -> PP.pretty "| Excluded"
@@ -365,7 +366,7 @@ renderIPs st
| (PG.groundValue $ PPr.slRegOpEquiv pcRegs) = PP.pretty (PPa.someC vals)
| otherwise = PPa.ppPatchPairC PP.pretty vals
vals = TF.fmapF (\(Const x) -> Const $ PFI.groundMacawValue x) (PPr.slRegOpValues pcRegs)
vals = (\(Const x) -> Const $ PFI.groundMacawValue x) (PPr.slRegOpValues pcRegs)
pcRegs = PPr.slRegState st ^. MC.curIP

@@ -384,7 +385,7 @@ renderCounterexample
-> TP.UI TP.Element
renderCounterexample ineqRes' = PPr.withIneqResult ineqRes' $ \ineqRes ->
groundEnd = TF.fmapF (\(Const x) -> Const $ (PFI.groundBlockEnd (Proxy @arch)) x) $ PPr.slBlockExitCase (PPr.ineqSlice ineqRes)
groundEnd = (\(Const x) -> Const $ (PFI.groundBlockEnd (Proxy @arch)) x) $ PPr.slBlockExitCase (PPr.ineqSlice ineqRes)
renderInequalityReason rsn =
case rsn of
PEE.InequivalentRegisters ->
@@ -397,11 +398,11 @@ renderCounterexample ineqRes' = PPr.withIneqResult ineqRes' $ \ineqRes ->
TP.string "The original and patched programs have generated invalid post states"

renderedContinuation = TP.column (catMaybes [ Just (text (PP.pretty "Next IP: " <> renderIPs (PPr.slBlockPostState (PPr.ineqSlice ineqRes))))
, renderReturn (TF.fmapF (\(Const x) -> Const $ PFI.grndBlockReturn x) groundEnd)
, renderReturn ( (\(Const x) -> Const $ PFI.grndBlockReturn x) groundEnd)
TP.grid [ [ renderInequalityReason (PPr.ineqReason ineqRes) ]
, [ text (PPa.ppPatchPairCEq (PP.pretty . PFI.ppExitCase) (TF.fmapF (\(Const x) -> Const $ PFI.grndBlockCase x) groundEnd)) ]
, [ text (PPa.ppPatchPairCEq (PP.pretty . PFI.ppExitCase) ( (\(Const x) -> Const $ PFI.grndBlockCase x) groundEnd)) ]
, [ TP.h2 #+ [TP.string "Initial states"] ]
, [ renderRegisterState (PPr.ineqPre ineqRes) (PPr.slRegState (PPr.slBlockPreState (PPr.ineqSlice ineqRes)))
, renderMemoryState (PPr.ineqPre ineqRes) (PPr.slMemState (PPr.slBlockPreState (PPr.ineqSlice ineqRes)))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Pate/Location.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -406,6 +406,6 @@ instance (LocationTraversable sym arch a, LocationTraversable sym arch b) =>

instance (forall bin. (LocationWitherable sym arch (f bin))) =>
LocationWitherable sym arch (PPa.PatchPair f) where
witherLocation sym pp f = TF.traverseF (\x -> witherLocation sym x f) pp
witherLocation sym pp f = PPa.traverse (\x -> witherLocation sym x f) pp

6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Pate/Monad.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1531,7 +1531,7 @@ withPair :: PB.BlockPair arch -> EquivM sym arch a -> EquivM sym arch a
withPair pPair f = do
env <- CMR.ask
let env' = env { envParentBlocks = pPair:envParentBlocks env }
let entryPair = TF.fmapF (\b -> PB.functionEntryToConcreteBlock (PB.blockFunctionEntry b)) pPair
let entryPair = (\b -> PB.functionEntryToConcreteBlock (PB.blockFunctionEntry b)) pPair
CMR.local (\_ -> env' & PME.envCtxL . PMC.currentFunc .~ entryPair) f

-- | Emit a trace event to the frontend
@@ -1543,7 +1543,7 @@ traceBlockPair
-> String
-> EquivM sym arch ()
traceBlockPair bp msg =
emitEvent (PE.ProofTraceEvent callStack (TF.fmapF (Const . PB.concreteAddress) bp) (T.pack msg))
emitEvent (PE.ProofTraceEvent callStack ( (Const . PB.concreteAddress) bp) (T.pack msg))

-- | Emit a trace event to the frontend
@@ -1554,7 +1554,7 @@ traceBundle
-> String
-> EquivM sym arch ()
traceBundle bundle msg = do
let bp = TF.fmapF (Const . PB.concreteAddress . simInBlock) (simIn bundle)
let bp = (Const . PB.concreteAddress . simInBlock) (simIn bundle)
emitEvent (PE.ProofTraceEvent callStack bp (T.pack msg))

fnTrace ::
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Pate/Monad/PairGraph.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ initializePairGraph pPairs = foldM (\x y -> initPair x y) emptyPairGraph pPairs
initPair :: PairGraph sym arch -> PB.FunPair arch -> EquivM sym arch (PairGraph sym arch)
initPair gr fnPair =
do let bPair = TF.fmapF PB.functionEntryToConcreteBlock fnPair
do let bPair = PB.functionEntryToConcreteBlock fnPair
withPair bPair $ do
-- initial state of the pair graph: choose the universal domain that equates as much as possible
let node = GraphNode (rootEntry bPair)
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ initialDomainSpec (GraphNodeEntry blocks) = withTracing @"function_name" "initia
dom <- initialDomain
return (mempty, dom)
initialDomainSpec (GraphNodeReturn fPair) = withTracing @"function_name" "initialDomainSpec" $ do
let blocks = TF.fmapF PB.functionEntryToConcreteBlock fPair
let blocks = PB.functionEntryToConcreteBlock fPair
withFreshVars blocks $ \_vars -> do
dom <- initialDomain
return (mempty, dom)