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convert SingleNodeEntry to be a specialization of NodeEntry'
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danmatichuk committed Dec 10, 2024
1 parent a20a289 commit bd9ac7c
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Showing 5 changed files with 119 additions and 90 deletions.
60 changes: 30 additions & 30 deletions src/Data/Quant.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ module Data.Quant
, pattern Single
, viewQuantEach
, pattern QuantEach
, AsSingle(..)
) where

import Prelude hiding (map, traverse)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,38 +288,37 @@ instance (HasReprK k, forall x. Ord (f x)) => Ord (Quant (f :: k -> Type) tp) wh

-- Defining which conversions are always possible
class ToQuant f (t1 :: QuantK k) (t2 :: QuantK k) where
toQuant :: f t1 -> QuantRepr t2 -> f t2
toQuant :: QuantRepr t2 -> f t1 -> f t2

-- Can take a universally quantified variant to any variant
instance HasReprK k => ToQuant (Quant f) AllK (tp :: QuantK k) where
toQuant z@(QuantAll f) repr = case repr of
toQuant repr z@(QuantAll f) = case repr of
QuantOneRepr baserepr -> QuantOne baserepr (TMF.apply f baserepr)
QuantAllRepr -> QuantAll f
QuantSomeRepr -> QuantSome z

-- Can take any variant to an existentially quantified variant
instance ToQuant (Quant f) (tp :: QuantK k) ExistsK where
toQuant z _ = case z of
toQuant _ z = case z of
QuantSome{} -> z
_ -> QuantSome z

-- Can always take a variant to the same kind
instance ToQuant f (OneK k1) (OneK k1) where
toQuant x _ = x

toQuant _ x = x

class ToMaybeQuant f (t1 :: QuantK k) (t2 :: QuantK k) where
toMaybeQuant :: f t1 -> QuantRepr t2 -> Maybe (f t2)
toMaybeQuant :: QuantRepr t2 -> f t1 -> Maybe (f t2)

instance HasReprK k => ToMaybeQuant (Quant f) (tp1 :: QuantK k) (tp2 :: QuantK k) where
toMaybeQuant x repr = case (x, repr) of
(QuantAll{}, _) -> Just (toQuant x repr)
(_, QuantSomeRepr) -> Just (toQuant x repr)
toMaybeQuant repr x = case (x, repr) of
(QuantAll{}, _) -> Just (toQuant repr x)
(_, QuantSomeRepr) -> Just (toQuant repr x)
(QuantOne baseX x', QuantOneRepr baseY) -> case testEquality baseX baseY of
Just Refl -> Just $ QuantOne baseX x'
-- by definition we can't convert between base types
Nothing -> Nothing
(QuantSome x', _) -> toMaybeQuant x' repr
(QuantSome x', _) -> toMaybeQuant repr x'
-- by definition a base type cannot be turned into a universal quantifier
(QuantOne{}, QuantAllRepr) -> Nothing
-- in general we could consider types that themselves have defined conversions between
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -426,54 +426,54 @@ pattern Single repr x <- (quantAsOne -> Just (QuantAsOneProof repr x))
{-# COMPLETE All, QuantOne, QuantExists #-}
{-# COMPLETE All, QuantOne, QuantSome #-}

newtype AsOneK (f :: QuantK k -> Type) (y :: k) where
AsOneK :: f (OneK y) -> AsOneK f y
newtype AsSingle (f :: QuantK k -> Type) (y :: k) where
AsSingle :: f (OneK y) -> AsSingle f y

deriving instance Eq (f (OneK x)) => Eq ((AsOneK f) x)
deriving instance Ord (f (OneK x)) => Ord ((AsOneK f) x)
deriving instance Show (f (OneK x)) => Show ((AsOneK f) x)
deriving instance Eq (f (OneK x)) => Eq ((AsSingle f) x)
deriving instance Ord (f (OneK x)) => Ord ((AsSingle f) x)
deriving instance Show (f (OneK x)) => Show ((AsSingle f) x)

instance TestEquality f => TestEquality (AsOneK f) where
testEquality (AsOneK x) (AsOneK y) = case testEquality x y of
instance TestEquality f => TestEquality (AsSingle f) where
testEquality (AsSingle x) (AsSingle y) = case testEquality x y of
Just Refl -> Just Refl
Nothing -> Nothing

instance OrdF f => OrdF (AsOneK f) where
compareF (AsOneK x) (AsOneK y) = case compareF x y of
instance OrdF f => OrdF (AsSingle f) where
compareF (AsSingle x) (AsSingle y) = case compareF x y of

instance forall f. ShowF f => ShowF (AsOneK f) where
showF (AsOneK x) = showF x
instance forall f. ShowF f => ShowF (AsSingle f) where
showF (AsSingle x) = showF x
withShow _ (_ :: q tp) f = withShow (Proxy :: Proxy f) (Proxy :: Proxy (OneK tp)) f

type QuantEach (f :: QuantK k -> Type) = Quant (AsOneK f) AllK
type QuantEach (f :: QuantK k -> Type) = Quant (AsSingle f) AllK

viewQuantEach :: HasReprK k => QuantEach f -> (forall (x :: k). ReprOf x -> f (OneK x))
viewQuantEach (QuantAll f) = \r -> case TMF.apply f r of AsOneK x -> x
viewQuantEach (QuantAll f) = \r -> case TMF.apply f r of AsSingle x -> x

viewQuantEach' :: HasReprK k => Quant (AsOneK f) tp -> Maybe (Dict (IsExistsOr tp AllK), forall (x :: k). ReprOf x -> f (OneK x))
viewQuantEach' :: HasReprK k => Quant (AsSingle f) tp -> Maybe (Dict (IsExistsOr tp AllK), forall (x :: k). ReprOf x -> f (OneK x))
viewQuantEach' q = case q of
QuantOne{} -> Nothing
QuantAll f -> Just (Dict, \r -> case TMF.apply f r of AsOneK x -> x)
QuantAll f -> Just (Dict, \r -> case TMF.apply f r of AsSingle x -> x)
QuantSome q' -> case viewQuantEach' q' of
Just (Dict, g) -> Just (Dict, g)
Nothing -> Nothing

pattern QuantEach :: forall {k} f tp. (HasReprK k) => (IsExistsOr tp AllK) => (forall (x :: k). ReprOf x -> f (OneK x)) -> Quant (AsOneK f) tp
pattern QuantEach :: forall {k} f tp. (HasReprK k) => (IsExistsOr tp AllK) => (forall (x :: k). ReprOf x -> f (OneK x)) -> Quant (AsSingle f) tp
pattern QuantEach f <- (viewQuantEach' -> Just (Dict, f))
QuantEach f = existsOrCases @tp @AllK (QuantAny (QuantEach f)) (QuantAll (TMF.mapWithKey (\r _ -> AsOneK (f r)) (allReprs @k)))
QuantEach f = existsOrCases @tp @AllK (QuantAny (QuantEach f)) (QuantAll (TMF.mapWithKey (\r _ -> AsSingle (f r)) (allReprs @k)))

{-# COMPLETE QuantEach, Single #-}

_testQuantEach :: forall {k} f tp. HasReprK k => Quant (AsOneK (f :: QuantK k -> Type)) tp -> ()
_testQuantEach :: forall {k} f tp. HasReprK k => Quant (AsSingle (f :: QuantK k -> Type)) tp -> ()
_testQuantEach = \case
QuantEach (_f :: forall (x :: k). ReprOf x -> f (OneK x)) -> ()
Single (_repr :: ReprOf (x :: k)) (AsOneK (_x :: f (OneK x))) -> ()
Single (_repr :: ReprOf (x :: k)) (AsSingle (_x :: f (OneK x))) -> ()

_testQuantEach1 :: HasReprK k => Quant (AsOneK (f :: QuantK k -> Type)) AllK -> ()
_testQuantEach1 :: HasReprK k => Quant (AsSingle (f :: QuantK k -> Type)) AllK -> ()
_testQuantEach1 = \case
QuantEach (_f :: forall (x :: k). ReprOf x -> f (OneK x)) -> ()
-- complete match, since Single has an unsolvable constraint
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Pate/PatchPair.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ mkSingle bin a = PatchPairSingle bin a
-- | Return the single 'tp' and which binary if the input is a singleton 'PatchPair'.
-- 'asSingleton (toSingleton bin x) == (bin, x)' when 'x' contains an entry for 'bin'
-- '(y,bin) <- asSingleton x; toSingleton bin y == x' when 'x' is a singleton
asSingleton :: PatchPairM m => PatchPair tp -> m (Pair PB.WhichBinaryRepr tp)
asSingleton (PatchPairSingle bin v) = return (Pair bin v)
asSingleton :: PatchPairM m => Qu.Quant tp qbin -> m (Pair PB.WhichBinaryRepr tp)
asSingleton (Qu.Single bin v) = return (Pair bin v)
asSingleton _ = throwPairErr

-- | Convert a 'PatchPair' into a singleton containing only
Expand Down
34 changes: 19 additions & 15 deletions src/Pate/Verification/PairGraph.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Word (Word32)
import qualified Data.Quant as Qu
import qualified Lumberjack as LJ

import Data.Parameterized (Some(..), Pair (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,8 +334,10 @@ data WorkItem arch =
(SingleNodeEntry arch PBi.Original)
(SingleNodeEntry arch PBi.Patched)
-- | Handle starting a split analysis from a diverging node.
| ProcessSplitCtor (Some (SingleNodeEntry arch))
deriving (Eq, Ord)
| ProcessSplitCtor (Some (Qu.AsSingle (NodeEntry' arch)))

deriving instance Eq (WorkItem arch)
deriving instance Ord (WorkItem arch)

instance PA.ValidArch arch => Show (WorkItem arch) where
show = \case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,8 +365,7 @@ pattern ProcessMerge:: SingleNodeEntry arch PBi.Original -> SingleNodeEntry arch
pattern ProcessMerge sneO sneP <- (processMergeSinglePair -> Just (sneO, sneP))

pattern ProcessSplit :: SingleNodeEntry arch bin -> WorkItem arch
pattern ProcessSplit sne <- ProcessSplitCtor (Some sne)

pattern ProcessSplit sne = ProcessSplitCtor (Some (Qu.AsSingle sne))

{-# COMPLETE ProcessNode, ProcessMergeAtExits, ProcessMergeAtEntry, ProcessSplit #-}
{-# COMPLETE ProcessNode, ProcessMerge, ProcessSplit #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -436,7 +438,7 @@ data SyncData arch =
-- | Defines exceptions for exits that would otherwise be considered sync points.
-- In these cases, the single-sided analysis continues instead, with the intention
-- that another sync point is encountered after additional instructions are executed
, _syncExceptions :: PPa.PatchPair (SetF (TupleF '(SingleNodeEntry arch, PB.BlockTarget arch)))
, _syncExceptions :: PPa.PatchPair (SetF (TupleF '(Qu.AsSingle (NodeEntry' arch), PB.BlockTarget arch)))
-- Exits from the corresponding desync node that start the single-sided analysis
, _syncDesyncExits :: PPa.PatchPair (SetF (PB.BlockTarget arch))
Expand All @@ -451,7 +453,9 @@ syncPointBin :: SyncPoint arch bin -> PBi.WhichBinaryRepr bin
syncPointBin sp = singleEntryBin $ syncPointNode sp

instance TestEquality (SyncPoint arch) where
testEquality e1 e2 = testEquality (syncPointNode e1) (syncPointNode e2)
testEquality e1 e2 = case testEquality (syncPointNode e1) (syncPointNode e2) of
Just Refl -> Just Refl
Nothing -> Nothing

instance OrdF (SyncPoint arch) where
compareF sp1 sp2 = lexCompareF (syncPointBin sp1) (syncPointBin sp2) $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -595,7 +599,7 @@ mkProcessSplit sne = do
GraphNode dp_ne <- return $ singleNodeDivergePoint sne
sne_dp <- toSingleNodeEntry (singleEntryBin sne) dp_ne
guard (sne_dp == sne)
return (ProcessSplitCtor (Some sne))
return (ProcessSplit sne)

workItemNode :: WorkItem arch -> GraphNode arch
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1271,9 +1275,9 @@ pgMaybe msg Nothing = throwError $ PEE.PairGraphErr msg
-- FIXME: do we need to support mismatched node kinds here?
combineNodes :: SingleNodeEntry arch bin -> SingleNodeEntry arch (PBi.OtherBinary bin) -> Maybe (GraphNode arch)
combineNodes node1 node2 = do
let ndPair = PPa.mkPair (singleEntryBin node1) node1 node2
nodeO <- PPa.get PBi.OriginalRepr ndPair
nodeP <- PPa.get PBi.PatchedRepr ndPair
let ndPair = PPa.mkPair (singleEntryBin node1) (Qu.AsSingle node1) (Qu.AsSingle node2)
Qu.AsSingle nodeO <- PPa.get PBi.OriginalRepr ndPair
Qu.AsSingle nodeP <- PPa.get PBi.PatchedRepr ndPair
-- it only makes sense to combine nodes that share a divergence point,
-- where that divergence point will be used as the calling context for the
-- merged point
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1458,7 +1462,7 @@ isSyncExit ::
isSyncExit sne blkt@(PB.BlockTarget{}) = do
excepts <- getSingleNodeData syncExceptions sne
syncs <- getSingleNodeData syncPoints sne
let isExcept = Set.member (TupleF2 sne blkt) excepts
let isExcept = Set.member (TupleF2 (Qu.AsSingle sne) blkt) excepts
case isExcept of
True -> return Nothing
False -> isCutAddressFor sne (PB.targetRawPC blkt) >>= \case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1528,7 +1532,7 @@ filterSyncExits priority (ProcessSplit sne) blktPairs = pgValid $ do
return x
filterSyncExits priority (ProcessNode (GraphNode ne)) blktPairs = case asSingleNodeEntry ne of
Nothing -> return blktPairs
Just (Some sne) -> do
Just (Some (Qu.AsSingle sne)) -> do
let bin = singleEntryBin sne
blkts <- mapM (PPa.get bin) blktPairs
syncExits <- catMaybes <$> mapM (isSyncExit sne) blkts
Expand All @@ -1543,14 +1547,14 @@ addReturnPointSync ::
PPa.PatchPair (PB.BlockTarget arch) ->
PairGraphM sym arch ()
addReturnPointSync priority ne blktPair = case asSingleNodeEntry ne of
Just (Some sne) -> do
Just (Some (Qu.AsSingle sne)) -> do
let bin = singleEntryBin sne
blkt <- PPa.get bin blktPair
case PB.targetReturn blkt of
Just ret -> do
cuts <- getSingleNodeData syncCutAddresses sne
excepts <- getSingleNodeData syncExceptions sne
let isExcept = Set.member (TupleF2 sne blkt) excepts
let isExcept = Set.member (TupleF2 (Qu.AsSingle sne) blkt) excepts
case (not isExcept) &&
Set.member (PPa.WithBin (singleEntryBin sne) (PB.concreteAddress ret)) cuts of
True -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1600,7 +1604,7 @@ handleSingleSidedReturnTo ::
NodeEntry arch ->
PairGraphM sym arch ()
handleSingleSidedReturnTo priority ne = case asSingleNodeEntry ne of
Just (Some sne) -> do
Just (Some (Qu.AsSingle sne)) -> do
let bin = singleEntryBin sne
let dp = singleNodeDivergePoint sne
syncAddrs <- getSyncData syncCutAddresses bin dp
Expand Down

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