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generalized PairGraph.Node over QuantK cases
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danmatichuk committed Dec 3, 2024
1 parent a322b4d commit 8382545
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Showing 6 changed files with 270 additions and 126 deletions.
112 changes: 98 additions & 14 deletions src/Data/Quant.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ module Data.Quant
, type OneK
, type ExistsK
, type AllK
, map
, traverse
, mapWithRepr
, traverseWithRepr
, pattern QuantSome
, toQuantExists
, quantToRepr
Expand All @@ -56,10 +60,13 @@ module Data.Quant
, pattern QuantToOne
, generateAll
, generateAllM
, pattern QuantAsAll
, pattern QuantAsOne
, pattern All
, pattern Single
, viewQuantEach
) where

import Prelude hiding (map, traverse)

import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Constraint

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,8 +163,23 @@ instance forall k. HasReprK k => TraversableFC (Quant :: (k -> Type) -> QuantK k
QuantAll g -> QuantAll <$> traverseF f g
QuantSome x -> QuantSome <$> traverseFC f x

map :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> Quant f tp -> Quant g tp
map = fmapFC

mapWithRepr :: (forall (x :: k). ReprOf x -> f x -> g x) -> Quant f tp -> Quant g tp
mapWithRepr f = \case
QuantOne repr x -> QuantOne repr $ f repr x
QuantAll tm -> QuantAll $ TMF.mapWithKey f tm
QuantSome x -> QuantSome $ mapWithRepr f x

traverse :: (HasReprK k, Applicative m) => (forall (x :: k). f x -> m (g x)) -> Quant f tp -> m (Quant g tp)
traverse = traverseFC

traverseWithRepr :: (HasReprK k, Applicative m) => (forall (x :: k). ReprOf x -> f x -> m (g x)) -> Quant f tp -> m (Quant g tp)
traverseWithRepr f = \case
QuantOne repr x -> QuantOne <$> pure repr <*> f repr x
QuantAll tm -> QuantAll <$> TMF.traverseWithKey f tm
QuantSome x -> QuantSome <$> traverseWithRepr f x

quantToRepr :: Quant f tp -> QuantRepr tp
quantToRepr = \case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,10 +325,6 @@ instance HasReprK k => ToMaybeQuant (Quant f) (tp1 :: QuantK k) (tp2 :: QuantK k
-- good reason

data AsOneK (f :: QuantK k -> Type) (y :: k) where
AsOneK :: f (OneK y) -> AsOneK f y

class (Antecedent p c => c) => Implies p c where
type Antecedent p c :: Constraint

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,13 +359,39 @@ pattern QuantToOne :: forall {k} x f tp. (KnownHasRepr (x :: k), HasReprK k) =>
pattern QuantToOne fx <- (asQuantOne (knownRepr :: ReprOf x) -> Just (Dict, Dict, _, fx))

-- | Project a total function from a 'Quant' if it is universally quantified.
pattern QuantAsAll :: forall {k} f tp. (HasReprK k) => () => (forall x. ReprOf x -> f x) -> Quant (f :: k -> Type) tp
pattern QuantAsAll f <- ((\l -> (case toMaybeQuant l QuantAllRepr of Just (QuantAll f) -> Just (TMF.apply f); _ -> Nothing) :: Maybe (forall (x :: k). ReprOf x -> f x) ) -> Just (f))
class IsExistsOr (tp1 :: QuantK k) (tp2 :: QuantK k) where
isExistsOr :: Either (tp1 :~: ExistsK) (tp1 :~: tp2)

data QuantAsOneProof (f :: k -> Type) (tp :: QuantK k) where
QuantAsOneProof :: (KnownRepr QuantRepr tp, Implies (IsOneK tp) (x ~ TheOneK tp)) => ReprOf x -> f x -> QuantAsOneProof f tp
instance IsExistsOr x x where
isExistsOr = Right Refl

instance IsExistsOr ExistsK (OneK k) where
isExistsOr = Left Refl

instance IsExistsOr ExistsK AllK where
isExistsOr = Left Refl

data QuantAsAllProof (f :: k -> Type) (tp :: QuantK k) where
QuantAsAllProof :: (IsExistsOr tp AllK) => (forall x. ReprOf x -> f x) -> QuantAsAllProof f tp

quantAsAll :: HasReprK k => Quant (f :: k -> Type) tp -> Maybe (QuantAsAllProof f tp)
quantAsAll q = case q of
QuantOne{} -> Nothing
QuantAll f -> Just (QuantAsAllProof (TMF.apply f))
QuantSome q' -> case quantAsAll q' of
Just (QuantAsAllProof f) -> Just $ QuantAsAllProof f
Nothing -> Nothing

-- | Pattern for creating or matching a universally quantified 'Quant', generalized over the existential cases
pattern All :: forall {k} f tp. (HasReprK k) => (IsExistsOr tp AllK) => (forall x. ReprOf x -> f x) -> Quant (f :: k -> Type) tp
pattern All f <- (quantAsAll -> Just (QuantAsAllProof f))
All f = case (isExistsOr :: Either (tp :~: ExistsK) (tp :~: AllK)) of
Left Refl -> QuantAny (All f)
Right Refl -> QuantAll (TMF.mapWithKey (\repr _ -> f repr) (allReprs @k))

data QuantAsOneProof (f :: k -> Type) (tp :: QuantK k) where
QuantAsOneProof :: (IsExistsOr tp (OneK (TheOneK tp)), Implies (IsOneK tp) (x ~ TheOneK tp)) => ReprOf x -> f x -> QuantAsOneProof f tp

quantAsOne :: forall k f tp. HasReprK k => Quant (f :: k -> Type) (tp :: QuantK k) -> Maybe (QuantAsOneProof f tp)
quantAsOne q = case q of
Expand All @@ -358,6 +402,46 @@ quantAsOne q = case q of
_ -> Nothing

-- | Project out the element of a singleton 'Quant'
pattern QuantAsOne :: forall {k} f tp. (HasReprK k) => forall x. (KnownRepr QuantRepr tp, Implies (IsOneK tp) (x ~ TheOneK tp)) => ReprOf x -> f x -> Quant (f :: k -> Type) tp
pattern QuantAsOne repr x <- (quantAsOne -> Just (QuantAsOneProof repr x))
-- | Pattern for creating or matching a singleton 'Quant', generalized over the existential cases
pattern Single :: forall {k} f tp. (HasReprK k) => forall x. (IsExistsOr tp (OneK (TheOneK tp)), Implies (IsOneK tp) (x ~ TheOneK tp)) => ReprOf x -> f x -> Quant (f :: k -> Type) tp
pattern Single repr x <- (quantAsOne -> Just (QuantAsOneProof repr x))
Single repr x = case (isExistsOr :: Either (tp :~: ExistsK) (tp :~: (OneK (TheOneK tp)))) of
Left Refl -> QuantExists (Single repr x)
Right Refl -> QuantOne repr x

Check failure on line 411 in src/Data/Quant.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / GHC 9.6.2 on self-hosted pate-ppc

• Could not deduce ‘TheOneK tp ~ x’

{-# COMPLETE Single, All #-}
{-# COMPLETE Single, QuantAll, QuantAny #-}
{-# COMPLETE Single, QuantAll, QuantSome #-}

{-# COMPLETE All, QuantOne, QuantExists #-}
{-# COMPLETE All, QuantOne, QuantSome #-}

newtype AsOneK (f :: QuantK k -> Type) (y :: k) where
AsOneK :: f (OneK y) -> AsOneK f y

deriving instance Eq (f (OneK x)) => Eq ((AsOneK f) x)
deriving instance Ord (f (OneK x)) => Ord ((AsOneK f) x)
deriving instance Show (f (OneK x)) => Show ((AsOneK f) x)

instance TestEquality f => TestEquality (AsOneK f) where
testEquality (AsOneK x) (AsOneK y) = case testEquality x y of
Just Refl -> Just Refl
Nothing -> Nothing

instance OrdF f => OrdF (AsOneK f) where
compareF (AsOneK x) (AsOneK y) = case compareF x y of

instance forall f. ShowF f => ShowF (AsOneK f) where
showF (AsOneK x) = showF x
withShow _ (_ :: q tp) f = withShow (Proxy :: Proxy f) (Proxy :: Proxy (OneK tp)) f

type QuantEach (f :: QuantK k -> Type) = Quant (AsOneK f) AllK

viewQuantEach :: HasReprK k => QuantEach f -> (forall (x :: k). ReprOf x -> f (OneK x))
viewQuantEach (QuantAll f) = \r -> case TMF.apply f r of AsOneK x -> x

100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions src/Pate/Binary.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,11 +19,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Pate.Binary
( type WhichBinary
, type BinaryPair
, KnownBinary
, Original
, Patched
Expand All @@ -33,17 +35,29 @@ module Pate.Binary
, flipRepr
, short
, otherInvolutive
, ppBinaryPair
, ppBinaryPairEq
, ppBinaryPair'
, w4SerializePair

import Data.Kind ( Type )
import Control.Applicative.Alternative ( (<|>) )

import Data.Parameterized.WithRepr
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TotalMapF as TMF
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON

import qualified Data.Quant as Qu
import Data.Quant ( Quant, QuantK)
import qualified Prettyprinter as PP
import Pate.TraceTree
import qualified What4.JSON as W4S
import What4.JSON ( (.:) )
import qualified Pate.ExprMappable as PEM

-- | A type-level tag describing whether the data value is from an original binary or a patched binary
data WhichBinary = Original | Patched deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,3 +143,89 @@ instance TMF.HasTotalMapF WhichBinaryRepr where
instance Qu.HasReprK WhichBinary where
type ReprOf = WhichBinaryRepr

type BinaryPair f = Qu.Quant (f :: WhichBinary -> Type)

jsonQuant ::
(forall bin. f bin -> JSON.Value) -> BinaryPair f (qbin :: QuantK WhichBinary) -> JSON.Value
jsonQuant f q = case q of
Qu.All g -> JSON.object [ "original" JSON..= f (g OriginalRepr), "patched" JSON..= f (g PatchedRepr)]
Qu.Single bin x -> case bin of
OriginalRepr -> JSON.object [ "original" JSON..= f x ]
PatchedRepr -> JSON.object [ "patched" JSON..= f x ]

instance (forall bin. JSON.ToJSON (f bin)) => JSON.ToJSON (Qu.Quant f (qbin :: QuantK WhichBinary)) where
toJSON p = jsonQuant (JSON.toJSON) p

w4SerializePair :: BinaryPair f qbin -> (forall bin. f bin -> W4S.W4S sym JSON.Value) -> W4S.W4S sym JSON.Value
w4SerializePair bpair f = case bpair of
Qu.All g -> do
o_v <- f (g OriginalRepr)
p_v <- f (g PatchedRepr)
return $ JSON.object ["original" JSON..= o_v, "patched" JSON..= p_v]
Qu.Single bin x -> case bin of
OriginalRepr -> do
o_v <- f x
return $ JSON.object ["original" JSON..= o_v]
PatchedRepr -> do
p_v <- f x
return $ JSON.object ["patched" JSON..= p_v]

instance W4S.W4SerializableF sym f => W4S.W4Serializable sym (Qu.Quant f (qbin :: QuantK WhichBinary)) where
w4Serialize ppair = w4SerializePair ppair W4S.w4SerializeF

instance forall f sym. (forall bin. KnownRepr WhichBinaryRepr bin => W4S.W4Deserializable sym (f bin)) => W4S.W4Deserializable sym (Quant f Qu.ExistsK) where
w4Deserialize_ v = do
JSON.Object o <- return v
case_pair = do
(vo :: f Original) <- o .: "original"
(vp :: f Patched) <- o .: "patched"
return $ Qu.All $ \case OriginalRepr -> vo; PatchedRepr -> vp
case_orig = do
(vo :: f Original) <- o .: "original"
return $ Qu.Single OriginalRepr vo
case_patched = do
(vp :: f Patched) <- o .: "patched"
return $ Qu.Single PatchedRepr vp
case_pair <|> case_orig <|> case_patched

ppBinaryPair :: (forall bin. tp bin -> PP.Doc a) -> BinaryPair tp qbin -> PP.Doc a
ppBinaryPair f (Qu.All g) = f (g OriginalRepr) PP.<+> "(original) vs." PP.<+> f (g PatchedRepr) PP.<+> "(patched)"
ppBinaryPair f (Qu.Single OriginalRepr a1) = f a1 PP.<+> "(original)"
ppBinaryPair f (Qu.Single PatchedRepr a1) = f a1 PP.<+> "(patched)"

ppBinaryPair' :: (forall bin. tp bin -> PP.Doc a) -> BinaryPair tp qbin -> PP.Doc a
ppBinaryPair' f pPair = ppBinaryPairEq (\x y -> show (f x) == show (f y)) f pPair

-- | True if the two given values would be printed identically
ppEq :: PP.Pretty x => PP.Pretty y => x -> y -> Bool
ppEq x y = show (PP.pretty x) == show (PP.pretty y)

instance ShowF tp => Show (Quant tp (qbin :: QuantK WhichBinary)) where
show (Qu.All g) =
s1 = showF (g OriginalRepr)
s2 = showF (g PatchedRepr)
in if s1 == s2 then s1 else s1 ++ " vs. " ++ s2
show (Qu.Single OriginalRepr a1) = showF a1 ++ " (original)"
show (Qu.Single PatchedRepr a1) = showF a1 ++ " (patched)"

ppBinaryPairEq ::
(tp Original -> tp Patched -> Bool) ->
(forall bin. tp bin -> PP.Doc a) ->
BinaryPair tp qbin ->
PP.Doc a
ppBinaryPairEq test f (Qu.All g) = case test (g OriginalRepr) (g PatchedRepr) of
True -> f $ g OriginalRepr
False -> f (g OriginalRepr) PP.<+> "(original) vs." PP.<+> f (g PatchedRepr) PP.<+> "(patched)"
ppBinaryPairEq _ f pPair = ppBinaryPair f pPair

instance (forall bin. PP.Pretty (f bin)) => PP.Pretty (Quant f (qbin :: QuantK WhichBinary)) where
pretty = ppBinaryPairEq ppEq PP.pretty

instance (Qu.HasReprK k, forall (bin :: k). PEM.ExprMappable sym (f bin)) => PEM.ExprMappable sym (Quant f qbin) where
mapExpr sym f pp = Qu.traverse (PEM.mapExpr sym f) pp

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