Version 0.70.0
- Added Ganging for CompoundNumericPlugs (#402)
- Added menu item for loading renderman shaders from file (#125)
- Added color ramp editing support (#286)
- Added spline parameter support to RenderManShader::loadShader()
- Added shader annotations for passing default values to RenderManShader splines
- Added dividers in the NodeEditor, available to RenderMan shaders via the annotation "parameterName.divider" (#288)
- Added API for undo merging.
- Added ScriptNode::undoAddedSignal() (#103)
- Fixed hiding of Menu when using the search box
- Fixed tab focus ordering in NodeEditor (#107)
- Improved GadgetWidget focus behaviour (#119)
- Fixed redundant CompoundNumericPlug serialisation (#2)
- Fixed scrubbing of values for IntPlugs
- Fixed size issues caused by TabbedContainer size policy (Settings and About window)
- Fixed bug in Random::affects()
- Fixed multiple undo entries in virtual sliders, cursor up/down nudging, color choser, and ramps (#400)
- Fixed Ctrl+C copy shortcut in non-editable MultiLineTextWidgets
- Hid Shader enabled plug in the UI (#398)