An easy tool to display multiples colors on your screen. It can be used to check the similitude between colors.
First, make sure that you include the script before creating any Palette.
<script src="colorpalette.js"></script>
// My Palette goes here
There are two ways to create Palettes, you can pass an array or an object to the method.
var MyPalette = new ColorPalette(['#002a4a', '#17607d', '#fff1ce', '#ff9311', '#d64700'])
ColorPalette will generate a text area with the color code and stick it to the top of each color layer.
If you want to customize the text that is added to the layers, you can pass your colors through an object.
var MyPalette = new ColorPalette({
'#002a4a': 'What',
'#17607d': 'Do you',
'#fff1ce': 'Want',
'#ff9311': 'From me',
'#d64700': '' // If you don't set a value, the color code will be used
There is some configuration available in the constructor. For now, you can only define a height and a location where to append the palette.
You can do that this way :
var MyPalette = new ColorPalette(
/* My colors */,
height: '250px', // Default -> 100vh
appendTo: document.getElementById('my-palette-container') // Default -> document.body
Example palette from