A Neural Chess AI in Python
This aims to be a simple and inefficient chess engine programed in Python for learning about AI, PyTorch and dataset generation
Run app.py with Python3, it works using flask on localhost, go to for the move interface
- Simply drag the piece to the desired square, ilegal moves are rejected, promoting to queen is automatic, followed autmatically by an enemy computer move or:
- Human move: Makes the SAN notated move followed autmatically by an enemy computer move
- Computer move: Makes a move using the engine for the side currently playing
Python 3 of course
- chess: A lifesaver, probably wouldn't have started the projet w/o this
- numpy: Efficient data structures
- flask: Interface
- PyTorch: Neural evaluation (use pip, the conda version is too old)
- cProfile and snakeviz: for profiling to optimize a little more
- Make a chess engine that can beat me 😎
- Use a CNN for eval
- Learn more about PyTorch and dataset generation
- User input via clicking
- Info in the webpage
- NegaMax
- NegaMax + Zobrist Hash with alpha beta pruning
- Iterative deepening
- Aspiration Window
- Negascout (Principal variation search)
Pypy(Pypy 3.7 seems 1% to 10% slower than Python 3.8) - Piece value heuristic
- MiniMax
- Board rendering
- Movility to the heuristic
- MiniMax + Alpha Beta pruning
- Piece square tables
- Move ordering (moves that capture pieces may be examined before moves that do not, and moves that have scored highly in earlier passes through the game-tree analysis may be evaluated before others)
- Quiescence search
- User input via submit field
- Automatic enemy move
- Zobrist Hashing
- Tranposition tables
- Neural network evaluation