This repo contains files for tutorial on PACE and pacemaker
Tutorial slides here
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Start Jupyter
- Partition: interactive
- Resources: Cores - 32 (best) / 16 (still OK)
- Time: 4 hours
- Settings: Python - tensorflow
- Jupyter type - lab
- Working directory: /user/[YOUR_USER_NAME]
Connect to Jupyter
- New Laucnher (Ctrl+Shift+L) - Terminal
echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
mkdir tools
cd tools
git clone
cd python-ace
pip install . --user
cd lib/maxvolpy
pip install . --user
cd tools
git clone
cd TensorPotential
pip install . --user
cd tools/
git clone --depth 1 --branch develop lammps
cd lammps/
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake --build . -- -j
make install
git clone
cd pace-tutorial
tar zxvf AlLi_vasp_data.tar.gz
cd AlLi_vasp_data
pace_collect --free-atom-energy auto --output-dataset-filename AlLi.pkl.gz
Prepare the folder and copy the dataset
cd pace-tutorial
mkdir AlLi_fit
cd AlLi_fit
cp ../AlLi_vasp_data/AlLi.pkl.gz .
and run automatic input file generation
pacemaker -t
You will see following requests and should reply:
Generating 'input.yaml'
Enter training dataset filename (ex.: data.pckl.gzip, [TAB] – autocompletion): AlLi.pkl.gz
Enter test set fraction or size (ex.: 0.05 or [ENTER] - no test set): 0.05
Please enter list of elements (ex.: "Cu", "AlNi", [ENTER] - determine from dataset): [ENTER]
Enter number of functions per element ([ENTER] - default 700): 300
Enter cutoff (Angstrom, default:7.0): 6.0
Enter weighting scheme type - `uniform` or `energy` ([ENTER] - `uniform`): energy
Input file is written into `input.yaml`
If you have input.yaml
file in the current folder, then just execute:
At the end you should find output_potential.yaml
(if program terminates successfully) and interim_potential_0.yaml
(always contains latest version of potential)
You can rename one of these files into AlLi.yaml
mv interim_potential_0.yaml AlLi.yaml
In order to compute active set, run
pace_activeset -d fitting_data_info.pckl.gzip AlLi.yaml
folder and execute LAMMPS there
cd pace-tutorial/AlLi-LAMMPS
lmp -in in.lammps
You should see extrapolative_structures.dump
file. If it is empty, then no extrapolation occurs. Also check c_max_pace_gamma
column in log.lammps
Try to increase supercell size, change temperature profile, switch to NPT, change atom types to get extrapolative structures.
Remember, that LAMMPS will overwrite extrapolative_structures.dump
file, so copy it beforehand.
pace_select -p AlLi.yaml -a AlLi.asi -e "Al Li" -m 20 -o selected/POSCAR extrapolative_structures.dump
Check the Jupyter notebook in ~/tools/python-ace/examples/Active_Exploration.ipynb
and adapt it for Al and/or Li and for your AlLi.yaml/asi
- Online documentation
- Lysogorskiy Y., Bochkarev A., Mrovec M., Drautz R., Active learning strategies for atomic cluster expansion models, Phys. Rev. Materials 7, 043801 (2023)
- Bochkarev, A., Lysogorskiy, Y., Menon, S., Qamar, M., Mrovec, M. and Drautz, R. Efficient parametrization of the atomic cluster expansion. Physical Review Materials 6(1) 013804 (2022)
- Lysogorskiy, Y., Oord, C. v. d., Bochkarev, A., Menon, S., Rinaldi, M., Hammerschmidt, T., Mrovec, M., Thompson, A., Csányi, G., Ortner, C. and Drautz, R. Performant implementation of the atomic cluster expansion (PACE) and application to copper and silicon. npj Computational Materials 7(1), 1-12 (2021)
- Drautz, R. Atomic cluster expansion for accurate and transferable interatomic potentials. Physical Review B, 99(1), 014104 (2019)