Framework for extracting, storing and indexing technical metadata of media files linked to in the metadata provided to Europeana. The framework also creates thumbnails. The ultimate purpose is to allow users of Europeana to filter on attributes of the media files (resolution, size, colour depth), etc.
The ImageHarvester has 4 components :.
- core: the harvester client
- core: the harvester server (distributed in a cluster)
- external dependency: a shared MongoDB database
- external dependency: a shared MQ based event bus
The harvester client is the component used by external systems to send commands and retrieve statistics from the harvester server. It is just a thin wrapper that facilitates the interaction with the harvester server. The client communicates with the server two ways :
- writing/reading to/from the shared MongoDB databse
- receiving events on the MQ
The harvester server is where the actual work happens : it receives jobs from the client and sends back an event when the job is finished. The harvester server runs on a cluster where exactly one node is the master and all the rest are slaves (ie. it's a single master architecture).
The components of the harvester server :
- the server master : sends tasks to the slaves and collects responses
- the server slave : receives tasks from the master and after execution sends back responses
Periodically polls the MongoDB database ProcessingJob to load new jobs. Each job is composed of a list of tasks. Tasks can be simple things like "execute one link check on a URL" or a more complex operation like "download URL, extract meta info & thumbnails". A task always refers to a URL.
The server master uses a internal load balancer to evenly distribute the tasks to the slaves and expects a response for each task. When the response is received (ie. sucess or failure) it persist it in the database and marks it accordingly. When all the tasks inside the job have finished the job is marked as finished and the server master sends the confirmation on the MQ that the job is done.
Each slave node waits for tasks from the master. When a task is received it's processed by one of the slave workers. For each task received the slave will send back a response when the task is done (or has finished with an error).
In the current implementation the harvester slave does not read or write from MongoDB. The task received by the slave has all the needed information inside, so the slave doesn't need to contact any external source of information to execute it.
The harvester has 3 configuration files :
- the harvester client configuration
- the harvester server master configuration
- the harvester server slave configuration
akka {
# The logging level: debug/info/error/...
loglevel = "DEBUG"
actor {
# Enables cluster capabilities in your Akka system
provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"
remote {
log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
# Your slaves IP address and port
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 2551
cluster {
# The role of the joining actor
roles = [nodeSupervisor]
# Initial contact points of the cluster.
# The nodes to join automatically at startup
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@localhost:2551",
"akka.tcp://[email protected]:5555"]
# After this period it will be marked as unreachable if it sends no message to the cluster
auto-down-unreachable-after = 3600s
my-dispatcher {
type = Dispatcher
# Which kind of ExecutorService to use for this dispatcher
executor = "fork-join-executor"
fork-join-executor {
# Min number of threads to cap factor-based parallelism number to
parallelism-min = 1
# The parallelism factor is used to determine thread pool size using the
# following formula: ceil(available processors * factor). Resulting size
# is then bounded by the parallelism-min and parallelism-max values.
parallelism-factor = 1.0
# Max number of threads to cap factor-based parallelism number to
parallelism-max = 2
# Throughput defines the number of messages that are processed in a batch
# before the thread is returned to the pool.
throughput = 100
# System specific configs
slave {
# Number of actors which are downloading documents
nrOfDownloaderSlaves = 300
# Number of actors which are processing documents
nrOfExtractorSlaves = 50
# Number of actors which are pinging servers
nrOfPingerSlaves = 50
# The number of retries to reach a slave before restarting it.
nrOfRetries = 5
# The path where the documents are saved
pathToSave = "/tmp/europeana"
# You can choose different types of responses: diskStorage, memoryStorage, noStorage
responseType = diskStorage
akka { # The logging level: debug/info/error/... loglevel = "DEBUG"
actor {
# Enables cluster capabilities in your Akka system
provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"
# adaptive-router
deployment {
# A specific router (nodeSupervisorRouter)
/nodeSupervisorRouter = {
# You can choose between different types of adaptive routers. In this case it is a mixed one.
router = adaptive-group
# metrics-selector = heap
# metrics-selector = load
# metrics-selector = cpu
metrics-selector = mix
# the path to the routed actors
routees.paths = ["/user/nodeSupervisor"]
cluster {
enabled = on
use-role = nodeSupervisor
allow-local-routees = off
remote {
# logging level is still determined by the global logging level of the actor system:
# for example debug level remoting events will be only logged if the system
# is running with debug level logging.
# Failures to deserialize received messages also fall under this flag.
log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
netty.tcp {
# The hostname or ip to bind the remoting to
hostname = ""
# The default remote server port clients should connect to
port = 5555
cluster {
# the role of the joining actor
roles = [clusterMaster]
# Initial contact points of the cluster.
# The nodes to join automatically at startup
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://[email protected]:5555"]
# How often to check for nodes marked as unreachable by the failure
# detector
unreachable-nodes-reaper-interval = 30s
failure-detector {
implementation-class = "akka.remote.PhiAccrualFailureDetector"
# How often keep-alive heartbeat messages should be sent to each connection.
heartbeat-interval = 5 s
# Defines the failure detector threshold.
# A low threshold is prone to generate many wrong suspicions but ensures
# a quick detection in the event of a real crash. Conversely, a high
# threshold generates fewer mistakes but needs more time to detect
# actual crashes.
threshold = 20.0
# Number of potentially lost/delayed heartbeats that will be
# accepted before considering it to be an anomaly.
# This margin is important to be able to survive sudden, occasional,
# pauses in heartbeat arrivals, due to for example garbage collect or
# network drop.
acceptable-heartbeat-pause = 60 s
# after this period it will be marked as unreachable if it sends no message to the cluster
auto-down-unreachable-after = 60s
# The interval in milliseconds after which the master is looking for a new job in the db.
jobsPollingInterval = 5000
# The interval in milliseconds after which the master is sending new tasks if it can.
taskStartingInterval = 2000
receiveTimeoutInterval = 600
mongo {
#The ip of the machine where the MongoDB is installed
host = ""
#The port which is used by the MongoDB server
port = 27017
#The name of the MongoDB database
dbName = "europeana_harvester"
# The number of jobs which are taken by the cluster master at a time. This is used for pagination.
jobsPerIP = 10
# Default limits in different tasks
default-limits {
# Bandwidth limit at download in byte per seconds per machine
bandwidthLimitReadInBytesPerSec = 102400
# Number of concurrent connections per machine
maxConcurrentConnectionsLimit = 3
# Number of milliseconds after which we interrupt the connection.
connectionTimeoutInMillis = 30000
# The maximum level of redirection per address
maxNrOfRedirects = 10
# The maximum responsetime in milliseconds of a slave node to master node after a given task.
# If the master does not get any feedback it resend the task to an other slave.
responseTimeoutFromSlaveInMillis = 10000
# Configuration for the ping actors
ping {
# The time interval in milliseconds between each ping.
timePeriod = 86400000
# Number of pings per ip
nrOfPings = 5
# The interval in milliseconds after which the ping is interrupted
timeoutInterval = 4000
# RabbitMQ eventbus configuration
eventbus {
host = ""
username = "guest"
password = "guest"
incomingQueue = "harvesterIn"
outgoingQueue = "harvesterOut"
# Configuration for the thumbnailing thumbnail {
# The final image width in pixels.
width = 50
# The final image height in pixels.
height = 50
mongo {
#The ip of the machine where the MongoDB is installed
host = ""
#The port which is used by the MongoDB server
port = 27017
#The name of the MongoDB database
dbName = "europeana_harvester"
RabbitMQ running on localhost
Also it make sense to use the admin UI to check topics/etc.
The RabbitMQ credentials are set to
- user=guest
- password=guest
The RabbitMQ must have at least the following two queues/topics defined:
- harvesterIn
- harvesterOut
MongoDB server running on localhost without authentication
The master.conf, slave.conf & client.conf contain the above settings
- they all use the localhost RabbitMQ & MongoDB
JSVC from Apache Commons for daemonizing
You must have locally installed the MediaChecker for meta info extraction and corelib-utils for thumbnailing
Build the entire system in one big jar (dependencies included)
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install package
cd ./harvester-persistence/
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install package
cd ../harvester-server/
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install package
cd ..
The build process creates one big jar with all the shaded dependencies in target. (in harvester-server)
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install package
cd ./harvester-persistence/
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install package
cd ../harvester-client/
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install package
cd ..
Start the master eu.europeana.harvester
java -Xmx512m -Djava.library.path="./lib" -cp ./harvester-server/target/harvester-server-0.1-SNAPSHOT-allinone.jar eu.europeana.harvester.cluster.Master ./extra-files/config-files/localhost-demo-conf/master.conf
Start the slave eu.europeana.harvester
java -Xmx512m -Djava.library.path="./lib" -cp ./harvester-server/target/harvester-server-0.1-SNAPSHOT-allinone.jar eu.europeana.harvester.cluster.Slave extra-files/config-files/localhost-demo-conf/slave.conf
You can choose from 4 predefined test cases: LinkCheck_50k, LinkCheck_500k, Download_50k, Download_500k; but you can create your own jobs also
java -cp ./harvester-client/target/harvester-client-0.1-SNAPSHOT-allinone.jar eu.europeana.harvester.performance.LinkCheck_50k ./extra-files/config-files/localhost-demo-conf/client.conf
- create the user europeana (or make sure it's there)
useradd -m europeana
copy the europeana-slave ./extra-files/daemon-files to /etc/init.d
give the europeana user the permissions to run the slave
sudo chmod 777 ./europeana-slave
- create the folders for the slave
mkdir /home; mkdir /home/europeana; mkdir /home/europeana/code
copy the lib folder from . to /home/europeana/code
copy the eu.europeana.harvester-0.1-SNAPSHOT-allinone.jar from ./harvester-server/target to /home/europeana/code
copy the slave.conf from ./extra-files/config-files to /home/europeana/code
adapt the ip and other configs to your preferences in slave.conf
adapt the paths to the jar, java_home, config file and the user in the /etc/init.d/europeana-slave
To start the slave execute:
sudo /etc/init.d/europeana-slave start
To stop the slave execute:
sudo /etc/init.d/europeana-slave stop
- create the user europeana (or make sure it's there)
useradd -m europeana
copy the europeana-master ./extra-files/daemon-files to /etc/init.d
give the europeana user the permissions to run the slave
sudo chmod 777 ./europeana-master
- create the folders for the slave
mkdir /home; mkdir /home/europeana; mkdir /home/europeana/code
copy the lib folder from . to /home/europeana/code
copy the eu.europeana.harvester-0.1-SNAPSHOT-allinone.jar from ./harvester-server/target to /home/europeana/code
copy the master.conf from ./extra-files/config-files to /home/europeana/code
adapt the ip and other configs to your preferences in master.conf
adapt the paths to the jar, java_home, config file and the user in the /etc/init.d/europeana-slave
To start the master execute:
sudo /etc/init.d/europeana-master start
To start the master execute:
sudo /etc/init.d/europeana-master stop
You have to follow the next few steps if you want to add new types of metadata to the Media File Checker:
- in the harvester-persistent module eu.europeana.harvester.domain package you have to create a new class which implements Serializable. This class has to contain all the info you need from a specific content type
- in the harvester-server module, eu.europeana.harvester.cluster.slave package there is a class ProcesserSlaveActor where you have to modify the extract() method. You have to add a case to the switch where you have to extract the needed metadata fields and put them in an object of the new type
- in the harvester-server module, eu.europeana.harvester.cluster.domain.messages package in the DoneProcessing class you have to add as a final field the previously created class
- in the harvester-persistence module, eu.europeana.harvester.domain package you have to add in the SourceDocumentReferenceMetaInfo class as a final field the previously created class
- finally in the harvester-server module, eu.europeana.harvester.cluster, ReceiverClusterActor saveMetaInfo() method you have to build a new SourceDocumentReferenceMetaInfo object from the DoneProcessing object.
You have to follow the next few steps if you want to add metadata fields to the Media File Checker:
- choose the class you want to upgrade from harvester-persistent module eu.europeana.harvester.domain package (it ends with MetInfo, e.g.: ImageMetaInfo)
- add the new fields as private final fields and create for them getters
- in the harvester-server module, eu.europeana.harvester.cluster.slave package, ProcesserSlaveActor classes extractMetaInfo() function (e.g.: extractImageMetaInfo) you have to map the fields of the returned object from MediaCheckers getInfo() function with the previously created classes fields.
You can easily add new types of storage with few steps:
- create a new class in the harvester-server modules eu.europeana.harvester.httpclient.response package which extends HttpRetrieveResponseBase and implements HttpRetrieveResponse
- add the new types name to the ResponseType enum from eu.europeana.harvester.httpclient.response package, harvester-server module
- implement the following functions: init, getAbsolutePath, getContent, addContent, getContentSizeInBytes, close
- in the HttpRetrieveResponseFactory from eu.europeana.harvester.httpclient.response package, harvester-server module add your new type in the create function
- in the slave.conf file change the slave.responseType field to the new type of storage and in the SlaveDaemon class (harvester-server module, eu.europeana.harvester.cluster package) add in the if/else part the new responsetype