This repository is used to build the base container for gridappsd.
It also includes a few scripts one to create the releases and another to create a blazegraph container.
To create a release, the script is run multiple times, between each run there are manual testing and validation steps. Requires github username and token.
git clone
git clone
cd gridappsd-docker-build/scripts/release
- pulls the latest gridappsd/blazegraph:develop container and tags as releases_VERSION and pushes to docker hub
- clone the GitHub repositories develop branches and create the releases/VERSION branches
- Update the default version for the script in gridappsd-docker
cd ../../../gridappsd-docker
./ -t releases_VERSION
cd ../gridapspd-docker-build/scripts/release
- Update the gridappsd/blazegraph:master container
- Create the pull requests from releases/VERSION to master
- Create the tagged releases
- Create the gridappsd/blazegraph:vVERSION container
cd ../../../gridappsd-docker
./ -t vVERSION
git clone
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements_blazegraph.txt
- pulls the base lyrasis container
- clones the GitHub repositories for the CIMHub and Powergrid0Models
- imports the PowerGridModels/platform/ files, and inserts measurements and houses
Review the bzbuild/build_timestamp/create.log file to verify all files, measurements, and houses were imported correctly.