This example implements the paper Generative Ratio Matching Networks.
After every 100 training iterations, the files $DATASET-$MODEL-data.png
and $DATASET-$MODEL-samples-epoch=$EPOCH.png
are written to disk with the samples from the generative model.
After every epoch, models are saved to: $DATASET-$MODEL-netG-epoch=$EPOCH.pth
and $DATASET-$MODEL-netD-epoch=$EPOCH.pth
NOTE: This repo is NOT the code used to produce the results in the paper. For reproducibility, see JuliaGRAM and GRAMFlow instead.
You can download the LSUN dataset by cloning this repo and running
python -c bedroom
usage: [-h] --dataset DATASET --model MODEL --dataroot DATAROOT
[--workers WORKERS] [--batchSize BATCHSIZE]
[--showSize SHOWSIZE] [--imageSize IMAGESIZE] [--nz NZ]
[--nk NK] [--ngf NGF] [--ncf NCF] [--n_epochs N_EPOCHS]
[--lr LR] [--beta1 BETA1] [--clip_ratio]
[--eps_ratio EPS_RATIO] [--cuda] [--gpu_id GPU_ID]
[--ngpu NGPU] [--netG NETG] [--netD NETD] [--netF NETF]
[--outf OUTF] [--monitor_heuristic] [--manualSeed MANUALSEED]
[--nowandb] [--classes CLASSES]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset DATASET cifar10 | lsun | mnist |imagenet | folder | lfw | fake
--model MODEL gramnet | gan
--dataroot DATAROOT path to dataset
--workers WORKERS number of data loading workers
--batchSize BATCHSIZE input batch size
--showSize SHOWSIZE size of display batch
--imageSize IMAGESIZE the height / width of the input image to network
--nz NZ size of the latent z vector
--nk NK size of the projected k vector
--ngf NGF
--ncf NCF
--n_epochs N_EPOCHS number of epochs to train for
--lr LR learning rate, default=0.0002
--beta1 BETA1 beta1 for adam. default=0.5
--clip_ratio apply ratio clipping as suggested by one of the reviewer
--eps_ratio EPS_RATIO add eps to the diagonal before solving
--cuda enables cuda
--gpu_id GPU_ID default GPU ID to use
--ngpu NGPU number of GPUs to use
--netG NETG path to netG (to continue training)
--netD NETD path to netD (to continue training)
--netF NETF path to netF (to continue training)
--outf OUTF folder to output images and model checkpoints
--monitor_heuristic monitor heuristic σ
--manualSeed MANUALSEED manual seed
--nowandb disables wandb
--classes CLASSES comma separated list of classes for the lsun data set
Note that by default Weights & Biases is used for logging,
but you can disable it by --nowandb
The code is heavily based on the DCGAN example of PyTorch.
Maintainer |
Kai Xu |