This is a online community platform for all students , programmers , and peoples in technical field created with the help of flask framework in python. Here anyone can contribute their articles , discuss their questions and compile and run their programs online in many different languages.
After Successful Compilation Python interepreter generate a link where our site is running like this :
1. Online articles on different concepts.
2. You can contribute your article and will receive email after successful contribution.
3. You can edit , delete your post any time .
4. You can also add images with your articles.
6. At admin panel you can view total contributions , and articles .
1. Discussion forum for all programmers .
2. You can category wise discuss your questions .
3. You can ask a questions and anyone can answer them like stack overflow and quora .
4. You need to login or signup for for ask questions and to give answers .
1. Online compiler with the help of API.
2. You can edit , compile and run your code with more than 10 different languages .
3. SQL is also available to run queries .
4. You can download your code as preferrable extension.
1. You can subscribe if to get notification via email if new article is added.
2. There are feedback form after submitting it you will get a email for thanks.
1. MySQL Database is used as a database with the help of phpmyadmin
2. There are two databases one for Articles and second for discussion .
4. Site is completely dynamic and interact with database
OnlinePosts DataBase (for handling posts or articles in site , only Contributions table is opened) :