Building an electrician website, in Hugo, using toml for config, Netlify to deploy, and probably Grafana in the future.
Hugo theme is hugo-initio ->
Customized colors & display
...In progress...
Got some pages running, need to add Netlify, real life pictures for work examples & review text and links with the electrician. BRAND theme : mainly white, red, black, gray
To do :
- logo button to redo
- design landing page
- fix background color (white)
- create new animated buttons to pages on the sides
- add clicks to next images
- Galerie: new pictures and new display
- get text from electrician
- legal links
REQUIREMENT build from source :
Install Git Install Go version 1.19 or later Install a C compiler, either GCC or Clang Update your PATH environment variable Then build and test extended edition:
CGO_ENABLED=1 go install -tags extended
hugo version
current version: hugo v0.92.2+extended linux/amd64
Dark theme option with DarkReader ON -> find DARKREADER extension for your browser
To help people find an awesome electrician To help myself, by practicing web development
Need to talk with me the web developer, put a date in -> Calendly
Be a decent Human being.