"Where will we use this in our lives?" I said about the Laplace formula 5-6 years ago. Now, when I was thinking of writing lines of code, it took a form that comes up and does all I think with a single line of code 😅
Hundreds of blurry photos in tens of thousands of photos in my gallery. "Who will delete it?" This is a project that comes to my mind as soon as I say this. As I mentioned above, the Laplace method, which I applied with a few small presettings, detects blurry photos in the gallery. I've turned it into a web app to make it more fun and usable.
Live Demo: https://ap-webapp-frontend.herokuapp.com/blur_detection
Source: https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2015/09/07/blur-detection-with-opencv/
python main.py