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Peter "Marenthyu" Fredebold edited this page Sep 8, 2016 · 12 revisions

Disclaimer: This page is NOT maintained frequently. It will most likely always be out of date. To see all the new stuff, check the commit history or the Commands Page - it should be updated more frequently.

Here are some notable changes that got introduced with the switching to the new IRC:


This new Bot has a lot of jobs, but is not tied to MechaSqueak, but MechaSqueak will parse the information it provides when a new client logs in via the webinterface. She also looks after The Mischief and gives you extra flags, to make you stand out, as long as you have registrered and identified yourself properly. (Read me for more info)

Paperwork link

When the dispatcher !closes a rescue, a direct link to edit the Rescue in the API will be posted to chat. Anyone registered on the Website can edit the Case using this link until 1 hour after creation of the rescue. After this time perios, only assigned Rats or admins can edit rescues. This means that the !assign/!go command is mandatory if the rescue took over an hour. All dispatchers are advised to always assign rats if possible.

Reopening and deletion of Rescues

There are a few new commands with special functions aside from a lot of new facts. To be able to use these commands, you need special access. The commands include the following:

Command Description example
!closed Shows the last 5 closed rescues with their unique ids. !closed
!reopen <id> Reopens the specified case. Channel OP only. !reopen aosi2-asddd4-43gg-34
!delete <id> Deletes a rescue from the Database. Bot-Admin only. (Marenthyu, Absolver, xlexious, etc.) To be used with caution as this is only reversable by a very annoyed xlexious in a manual process. !delete aosi2-asddd4-43gg-34
!shorten <url> Shortens a URL with the url shortener !shorten
!shorten <url> <keyword> Shortens to a custom url keyword !shorten awesome

Rat name detection

This goes in common with the API/Website update as Rats will now be able to register their IRC names with the Website. If the !assign or !go command is used the bot will search the API for compatible usernames and respond with the appropriate CMDR name / Gamertag if it finds the name.


You can now also tag Rescues as operations by setting a title with the !title <case> <title> command. This will make the rescue be represented by that name in the !list command to easier identify it.

Other than that there are a few smaller changes that you'll notice and just see as "neat", but you won't need to worry about them.