Implemented "Go To File" for fields that reference a file.
Implemented support for marking a cell as "unused" through a definition patch.
Implemented buttons for deleting schema patches.
Build Startpos no longer requires the victory_objectives.txt file when building a startpos for Warhammer 3.
Fixed "Build Startpos" not working correctly for Rome 2.
Fixed "Go To Loc" not working when the loc is in a parent pack.
Fixed "Go To Definition" being triggeable when the cell is not a loc key or a reference.
Fixed translator's automatic translations (from Google Translate) with more than one sentence being cut off after the first sentence.
Fixed CTD when importing an Assembly Kit table with no Pack open.
Fixed CTD when trying to open a file in an external tool if the file is not in the open Pack.
Fixed CTD when saving a video as IVF.
Fixed CTD when initializing a MyMod folder with a sublime project.
Fixed rare CTD when checking diagnostics after generating the dependencies cache with a Pack already open.
Fixed rare CTD when opening diagnostics matches.
Fixed rare CTD when opening certain groupformation files.
Fixed CTD when merge tables is triggered with no tables selected.
Fixed CTD when importing incomplete TSV of an open table.
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