Localization + License Sync + Deactivation Form
This is a major release (more than 80 commits) with a bunch of enhancements and one crucial license related bug fix for developers who monetize with Freemius.
Bug Fixes
- [Major] There was a problem with the daily wp-cron execution for plugins and themes with a premium offering. This issue sometimes caused to a license expiration, even though payments were successfully processed. If you monetize with Freemius and your module supports monthly payments, I would highly recommend updating the SDK asap.
- Submenu items are now inheriting permissions from the parent menu item (issue #81).
- Fixed discount calculations with annual and multi-site licensing (issue #79).
We are finally loading Freemius translations using load_plugin_textdomain()
. The SDK is fully translated into English and Italian (thanks to Alessandro Benassi), it would be awesome if you can help us translating to additional languages.
Deactivation Feedback Form Enhancements
- The order of the uninstallation reasons is now randomized. By randomizing the order, if a subset of the users is just picking the 1st option, it will be equally distributed, and will help devs to identify the main uninstallation reasons by removing the noise.
- Even if the user skipped the opt-in mechanism, we added an option to be identified when sending uninstallation feedback:
This gives the ability to contact with users who deactivated and didn't opt-in (unless they check the anonymous feedback box).
After Upgrade Instructions
We've improved the admin notice triggered after a successful upgrade process (thanks to the guys at @fooplugins):
Mobile Friendly
We adjusted the in-dashboard Contact us page to be responsive and work well on mobile. We'll be working on making the pricing and checkout pages responsive as well.
Official release notes: https://freemius.com/blog/septmber-2016-wordpress-sdk-release-notes/