Early (but lovely) implementation of Vue 3, Bootstrap 5 and Typescript
BootstrapVue3 is an attempt to have BootstrapVue components in Vue3, Bootstrap 5, and typescript. Another goal is to have components written in a simple and readable way.
As you may suppose, this library is heavily inspired by BootstrapVue, as well as the components properties, events, slots, directives, etc. We want to make it that way because we want to have compatibility with BootstrapVue, so it will be easy to switch between libraries.
npm i --save bootstrap bootstrap-vue-3
# Yarn
yarn add bootstrap bootstrap-vue-3
This project is still in alpha version so there is a lot of work to do. If you want to contribute you can:
- submit an issue
- or better, a pull request
- or even better, visit my patreon page and support me 😄
Or if you prefer you can make a one-time donation through these channels:
Released under the MIT Licence. Copyright (c) BootstrapVue3.
Bootstrap Vue 3 uses release-please to automate releases using workflows. The .github/workflows/release-please.yml
workflow will auto generate releases when using conventional Commits. We encourage your commit message to follow conventional commit guidelines to keep commits clean and automate releases
The workflow .github/workflows/npm-publish.yml
will then auto-publish at https://www.npmjs.com/package/bootstrap-vue-3
One could also manually create a release PR using the cli, directions here. Follow the directions for bootstrapping and creating a release, then it will auto generate a PR containing the new release notes
It will then auto-publish as stated before
Collaborators can also manually release by:
increase version in package.json, commit https://github.com/cdmoro/bootstrap-vue-3/releases/new (create new tag)