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the Parrot is not dead

Welcome to the FreeTakServer (FTS) git repository.

FTS is a Python3 implemnentation of the TAK Server for devices like CivTAK , WinTAK and ITAK, it is cross-platform and is only dependent on python stdlib libraries. it's free and open source (released under the Eclipse Public License).

Use cases

FTS allows you to connect ATAK clients to share geo information, to chat with all the connected clients, exchange files and more. It intends to support all the major use cases of the original TAK server. the domain model with all the know objects used by CIVTAK/ wintak


This code is currently in ALPHA STAGE Check out our roadmap @ FreeTakServer#25 to see what is planned If you have any issues don't hesitate to bring it up, as TAKFreeServer is still in the early stages of development.

Public instance

we support a public instance of FTS.

Tell us what you think!

to discuss with the developer team Use the reddit server and the Discord chat


TAKFreeServer uses a MVC pattern, the concept of a COT is described in a set of Domain classes, generated from the UML model using a Model Driven Architecture approach. the domain model with all the know objects used by CIVTAK/ wintak The target architecture supports also the ability to implement "plugins", thanks to a listener, that is decouple from the main server the FreeTakServer component model


under docs, you can find various documents including an UMl model of the model classes involved in a COT event.


  • Python 3

Installing and using FreeTakServer


  • Install Python3

    sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3 (Ubuntu)

  • Clone TAKLib repository

    git clone


Run Server in console

cd TAKlib/TAKfreeServer/


Run Server as Demon

see also

cd TAKlib/TAKfreeServer/TAKLinuxService

sudo python3


Windows Service

see also To run this program you require admin priviliges

  1. allow python.exe in firewall
  2. open whichever port you will be using for connections in firewall
  3. kill any program already running on whichever port you've decided to use
  4. open CMD with admin
  5. cd into whichever directory FreetakServer is located
Cd FreeTakServer/TakWinService
  1. type the following install
  1. type start

side note

can be run independently


if you have this error Python windows service “Error starting service: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion”

attempt to add python to the system path

Project Structure

  • TakFreeServer
    • Controllers: Contains all the business Logic
    • Models: Contains all the COT object model
    • TAKLinuxService: a demon for linux OS
    • TakWinService: a service for the windows OS
  • Docs: Usefull documentation regarding COTS and different logs to understand how those are implemented
  • Model: a UML model in Sparx EnterpriseArchitect format (see
  • Old: Legacy versions