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This document provides essential information on generating filtered count matrix files for Seurat or Scanpy from raw sequencing data. The pipeline begins with NCBI raw data, followed by fasterq-dump, renaming, cellranger count, and concludes with CellBender.

Due to the similarity of all processes, I will provide a detailed walkthrough using the E11_1 dataset as an example.

note: In future work, I intend to organize the pipeline into a systematically structured workflow utilizing Snakemake for improved reproducibility and efficiency.


First of all, for all 10X scRNA-seq raw data downloaded from NCBI, use following command to generate .fastq files:

for i in SRR118315**; do fasterq-dump ./$i -e 18 -m 55000MB -b 3000MB -v -p; done # adjust -e (threads), -m (memory), and -b (block size) according to your system specifications and resource availability.


data info

Library1: SRR11831500 and SRR11831501

Library2: SRR11831502 and SRR11831503

Run # of Spots # of Bases Size Published
SRR11831500 153,652,605 46.1G 16Gb 2021-08-07
SRR11831501 143,551,648 43.1G 15Gb 2021-08-07
SRR11831502 163,421,056 49G 17.5Gb 2021-08-07
SRR11831503 161,322,966 48.4G 16.9Gb 2021-08-07


rename files to meet the requirement of cellranger count:


 for i in *.fastq; do
    # Extract sample_id, read_id, and base_name
    sample_id=$(echo "$i" | grep -Po '(?<=SRR118315)..')
    read_id=$(echo "$i" | grep -Po '(?<=_).')
    base_name=$(echo "$i" | grep -o 'SRR118315..')

    # Create lane_id with leading zeros
    lane_id=$(printf "%03d" "$x")

    # Construct final_name

    # Check if 'renamed' directory exists
    if [ ! -d ./renamed ]; then
        mkdir renamed
        echo "Directory './renamed' already exists."

    # Create symbolic link with absolute path
    ln -s "$(readlink -f $i)" ./renamed/"$final_name"

    # Increment x for the next iteration

    echo "$final_name done"

cellranger count

cellranger count --id=E11_1 --fastqs=. --sample=E11 --transcriptome=/home/analysis/Mus_GRCm38.101/Mus_musculus

list of files

(base)  mint-desktop@mint-desktop-H  /run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=truenas.local,share=public/HL/projects/sc/scRNA-old/02_cellRanger/data/BMK_DATA_20240301133142_1(E13_E15_data)/Data tree -L 2

├── renamed
│   ├── E11_1
│   │   ├── _cmdline
│   │   ├── E11_1.mri.tgz
│   │   ├── _filelist
│   │   ├── _finalstate
│   │   ├── _invocation
│   │   ├── _jobmode
│   │   ├── _log
│   │   ├── _mrosource
│   │   ├── outs
│   │   ├── _perf
│   │   ├── SC_RNA_COUNTER_CS
│   │   ├── _sitecheck
│   │   ├── _tags
│   │   ├── _timestamp
│   │   ├── _uuid
│   │   ├── _vdrkill
│   │   └── _versions
│   ├── E11_S1_L000_R1_001.fastq -> ../SRR11831500_1.fastq
│   ├── E11_S1_L000_R2_001.fastq -> ../SRR11831500_2.fastq
│   ├── E11_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq -> ../SRR11831501_1.fastq
│   └── E11_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq -> ../SRR11831501_2.fastq
├── SRR11831500_1.fastq
├── SRR11831500_2.fastq
├── SRR11831501_1.fastq
└── SRR11831501_2.fastq


take unfiltered cellranger output as cellbender input: Input file: /mnt/D/F_240226/cellbender/E11_1/raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5 Output file: /mnt/D/F_240226/cellbender/E11_1/14k/E11_1_ambient_removed.h5

# E11_1 and E11_2 use identical parameters, i.e., --expected-cells 7000 and --total-droplets-included 14000.
cellbender remove-background --cuda --input ./raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5 --output ./14k/E11_1_ambient_removed.h5 --expected-cells 7000 --total-droplets-included 14000


data info


Client ID Sample ID
RA9-13 Unknown_BU571-003X0001
(base)  mint-desktop@mint-desktop-H  /run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=truenas.local,share=public/HL/projects/sc/scRNA-old/02_cellRanger/data/BMK_DATA_20240301133142_1(E13_E15_data)/Data tree -L 2
├── data_md5.txt
├── E13_1.fq.gz
├── E13_2.fq.gz
├── E15_1.fq.gz
├── E15_2.fq.gz
├── rawdata
│   ├── data_md5.txt
│   ├── sampleName_clientId.txt
│   ├── uncompressFileSize.metadata
│   ├── Unknown_BU571-003X0001_1.fq.gz
│   ├── Unknown_BU571-003X0001_2.fq.gz
│   ├── Unknown_BU571-003X0002_1.fq.gz
│   └── Unknown_BU571-003X0002_2.fq.gz
├── sampleName_clientId.txt
└── uncompressFileSize.metadata

1 directory, 14 files


cellbender remove-background --cuda --input ./raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5 --output ./20k/E13_1_ambient_removed.h5 --expected-cells 10000 --total-droplets-included 20000


data info

Library1: SRR11831504 - SRR11831513

Library2: SRR11831514 and SRR11831523

Run Bases Bytes create_date
1 SRR11831504 10.13 G 3.72 Gb 2020-05-2213:47:00Z
2 SRR11831505 1.36 G 484.42 Mb 2020-05-2213:26:00Z
3 SRR11831506 8.61 G 3.12 Gb 2020-05-2213:44:00Z
4 SRR11831507 7.98 G 2.93 Gb 2020-05-2213:43:00Z
5 SRR11831508 7.92 G 2.91 Gb 2020-05-2213:43:00Z
6 SRR11831509 7.93 G 2.90 Gb 2020-05-2213:45:00Z
7 SRR11831510 1.23 G 435.20 Mb 2020-05-2213:25:00Z
8 SRR11831511 10.57 G 3.89 Gb 2020-05-2213:48:00Z
9 SRR11831512 10.53 G 3.90 Gb 2020-05-2214:23:00Z
10 SRR11831513 10.65 G 3.93 Gb 2020-05-2213:55:00Z
11 SRR11831514 11.43 G 4.16 Gb 2020-05-2214:00:00Z
12 SRR11831515 10.03 G 3.70 Gb 2020-05-2213:59:00Z
13 SRR11831516 1.61 G 573.81 Mb 2020-05-2213:27:00Z
14 SRR11831517 10.67 G 3.87 Gb 2020-05-2213:52:00Z
15 SRR11831518 10.07 G 3.69 Gb 2020-05-2214:23:00Z
16 SRR11831519 1.50 G 531.22 Mb 2020-05-2213:26:00Z
17 SRR11831520 8.93 G 3.28 Gb 2020-05-2214:11:00Z
18 SRR11831521 8.96 G 3.30 Gb 2020-05-2213:55:00Z
19 SRR11831522 8.90 G 3.28 Gb 2020-05-2213:46:00Z
20 SRR11831523 9.64 G 3.50 Gb 2020-05-2213:54:00Z


# E14_1 and E14_2 use identical parameters, i.e., --expected-cells 20000 and --total-droplets-included 40000.
cellbender remove-background --cuda --input ./raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5 --output ./40k/E14_1_ambient_removed.h5 --expected-cells 20000 --total-droplets-included 40000


data info

notice: NOT published yet.

Library1: Unknown_BU571-002X0001

Library2: Unknown_BU571-003X0002

clientId SampleName
RA10-15&1 Unknown_BU571-002X0001
Client ID Sample ID
RA9-15 Unknown_BU571-003X0002
# Library1
(base)  mint-desktop@mint-desktop-H  /run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=truenas.local,share=public/HL/projects/sc/scRNA-old/02_cellRanger/data/BMK_DATA_20240111164212_1/Data   master ±  tree rawdata      
├── data_md5.txt
├── sampleName_clientId.txt
├── uncompressFileSize.metadata
├── Unknown_BU571-002X0001_1.fq.gz
└── Unknown_BU571-002X0001_2.fq.gz

0 directories, 5 files
# Library2
(base)  mint-desktop@mint-desktop-H  /run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=truenas.local,share=public/HL/projects/sc/scRNA-old/02_cellRanger/data/BMK_DATA_20240301133142_1(E13_E15_data)/Data tree -L 2
├── data_md5.txt
├── E13_1.fq.gz
├── E13_2.fq.gz
├── E15_1.fq.gz
├── E15_2.fq.gz
├── rawdata
│   ├── data_md5.txt
│   ├── sampleName_clientId.txt
│   ├── uncompressFileSize.metadata
│   ├── Unknown_BU571-003X0001_1.fq.gz
│   ├── Unknown_BU571-003X0001_2.fq.gz
│   ├── Unknown_BU571-003X0002_1.fq.gz
│   └── Unknown_BU571-003X0002_2.fq.gz
├── sampleName_clientId.txt
└── uncompressFileSize.metadata

1 directory, 14 files


cellbender remove-background --cuda --input ./raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5 --output ./30k/E15_ambient_removed.h5 --expected-cells 15000 --total-droplets-included 30000

cellbender remove-background --cuda --input ./raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5 --output ./19k/E15_2_ambient_removed.h5 --expected-cells 11000 --total-droplets-included 19000


Library1: SRR11831524 - SRR11831527

Library2: SRR11831528 and SRR11831531

data info

Run of Spots of Bases Size Published
SRR11831524 125,371,257 37.6G 13.9Gb 2021-08-07
SRR11831525 44,457,669 13.3G 4.8Gb 2021-08-07
SRR11831526 96,622,540 29G 10.7Gb 2021-08-07
SRR11831527 30,730,887 9.2G 3.3Gb 2021-08-07
SRR11831528 127,927,109 38.4G 14.3Gb 2021-08-07
SRR11831529 39,902,396 12G 4.4Gb 2021-08-07
SRR11831530 99,630,143 29.9G 11Gb 2021-08-07
SRR11831531 31,957,525 9.6G 3.5Gb 2021-08-07


# P0_1 and P0_2 use identical parameters, i.e., --expected-cells 14000 and --total-droplets-included 28000.
cellbender remove-background --cuda --input ./raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5 --output ./28k/P0_1_ambient_removed.h5 --expected-cells 14000 --total-droplets-included 28000


Library: SRR11831532 - SRR11831547

data info

Run Bases Bytes create_date
1 SRR11831532 14.27 G 4.95 Gb 2020-05-2213:57:00Z
2 SRR11831533 12.74 G 4.44 Gb 2020-05-2214:01:00Z
3 SRR11831534 13.03 G 4.55 Gb 2020-05-2213:54:00Z
4 SRR11831535 13.07 G 4.55 Gb 2020-05-2214:03:00Z
5 SRR11831536 12.73 G 4.47 Gb 2020-05-2214:23:00Z
6 SRR11831537 12.36 G 4.34 Gb 2020-05-2214:06:00Z
7 SRR11831538 12.62 G 4.44 Gb 2020-05-2214:13:00Z
8 SRR11831539 12.65 G 4.44 Gb 2020-05-2214:25:00Z
9 SRR11831540 13.79 G 4.79 Gb 2020-05-2214:03:00Z
10 SRR11831541 14.21 G 4.94 Gb 2020-05-2214:13:00Z
11 SRR11831542 14.24 G 4.94 Gb 2020-05-2214:12:00Z
12 SRR11831543 15.14 G 5.29 Gb 2020-05-2214:05:00Z
13 SRR11831544 14.69 G 5.14 Gb 2020-05-2214:10:00Z
14 SRR11831545 14.98 G 5.24 Gb 2020-05-2214:42:00Z
15 SRR11831546 15.02 G 5.25 Gb 2020-05-2214:09:00Z
16 SRR11831547 13.17 G 4.59 Gb 2020-05-2214:51:00Z


# P7
cellbender remove-background --cuda --input ./raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5 --output ./24k/P7_1_ambient_removed.h5 --expected-cells 12000 --total-droplets-included 24000


  • reference: Mus_GRCm38.101
  • cellranger version: 7.2.0
  • cellbender version: 0.3.0


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