Extension methods to make strings just a little bit smarter.
Removes all occurences of the specified string or character from a string.
//returns "Hello, guy What's up'"
var newString = "Hello, guy!!! What's up!!'".RemoveAll('!');
True if the string is an integer or floating point number.
if ("123".IsNumeric())
//do something
Removes all occurences of the specified string from the start or end of a string.
//returns "guy!!!"
var result = "Hello, guy!!!".TrimStart("Hello, ");
Returns all indexes of the specified string in a string.
//returns [7, 34]
var indexes = "Hello, guy!!! Hello, Jessie lady-guy!!!".IndexesOf("guy");
Returns the last index of the string.
//returns 9
"Hello, guy!!!".LastIndex();
1.0.X -> 1.1.X : SmartyStrings no longer references EasyTypeParsing so you'll have to add it to your project if you needed it before