Releases: FreddyB1/easy-mysql
Easy-MySQL v3.8
Bugs solved.
Easy-MySQL v3.7
Bugs solved.
Added insert options. (Engine, Charset etc.)
Added Charset function in SQL::Connect.
Added Null or not null option in AddTableColumn.
SQL::Connect(const host[], const user[], const password[], const database[], const charset[] = "latin5", debugging = 0, port = 3306, bool:autoreconnect = true, pool_size = 2);
new handle = SQL::Open(SQL::CREATE, "database", "engine default InnoDB", -1, "charset default latin5");
SQL::AddTableColumn(handle, const field_name[], SQL::datatypes: type = SQL_TYPE_INT, maxlength = 11, bool:null = false, bool:auto_increment = false, bool:setprimary = false, bool:setindex = false)
Easy-MySQL v3.6
SQL_ReadRetrievedRows has been changed to SQL::ReadRetrievedRows so it matches the existing style.
easy-mysql v3.5
A few functions renamed. (AddTableEntry > AddTableColumn)
Support for foreign keys, multi read, indexes added.
Simplifying the usage of MySQL plugin by BlueG.