We have ended .exe support for versions past 2.0. Please remember to just.. be smart..
We have switched to PyQt6! Before running 1.6+, run these commands in your terminal:
pip install PyQt6 pip install PyQt6-WebEngine
This is a browser completly written in Python! We used a lot of guides for the app so keep in mind that we are not THAT smart.
This gets updates pretty often so make sure to delete the old FreakyBrowse before installing the new version unless you really want it still!
Latest Version: V.2.1 !!! 🔥 (2.2 is coming soon :3)
Software supported: ALL!!! Make sure you have everything installed to run the py file!
For the homepage of FreakyBrowse, we use https://search.freakybob.site!
Licensed under GPL-3 :3