Display H5P content with plain old HTML
id: 1, // OPTIONAL id change this if using multiple h5ps on the same page
frameJs: '../dist/js/h5p-standalone-frame.min.js', // OPTIONAL if you move the location of h5p-standalone-frame.min.js
frameCss: '../dist/styles/h5p.css', // OPTIONAL if you move the location of h5p.css
h5pContent: '../workspace' // Location of the unpacked H5P content,
displayOptions: { // OPTIONAL hide the frame or download, export etc. buttons they are visible by default
frame: true,
copyright: true,
embed: false,
download: false,
icon: true,
export: false
Install dependencies
npm install -g gulp-cli
npm install
Unzip .h5p
file into workspace
gulp demo
Unzip .h5p
file into workspace
Run a simple http server e.g. python -m SimpleHttpServer
head to http://localhost:8080/demo/