Fraser and Chantal px913 project.
Distribution of work is:
Chantal: Generation of potential grid
Fraser: Particle motion solver and data writing
Chantal: Visualisation
To run the basic simulation with the 'single' charge density format and visualisation, please just run the build script ./build_particle_solver_netcdf. It is possible to change runtime parameters in this buildscript to load the 'double' or 'null' formats. Additionally, if you navigate to the folder 'multiple_particles' the run_multi_particle build script in there allows for the simulation and visualisation of a grid of particles moving in the 'double' regime.
Note that the modules for writing to command line (command_line.f90) and the module for generating the grid axis which is used in the file writing (create_axis.f90) are not original work, and have been provided by Heather and Chris.
Whilst the broad distribution of work is that layed out above, both of the authors collaborated together on much of the code.