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A Story On Functions(In JavaScript)

A Story On Functions

(In JavaScript)

By Francis Murillo

On Jun. 17, 2016

[email protected] / Francis Murillo

Things We Are Talking About

  • Functional Programming
  • JavaScript
  • Functions
  • Compose
  • Curry
  • Questions

My Story

I am a developer who didn’t know anything about JavaScript. So I read Douglas Crockford’s awesome book JavaScript: The Good Parts and there was light.

I came across a fork in a style: the Object Oriented road which has been treaded till my hell or the Functional road less traveled by. Like Robert Frost or a hipster, I chose functions over objects.

I am baptized and must share the joy, so here we are.

What Is Functional Programming

I don’t want to bore you with a definition but I can tell you this.

(Almost)Everything is function
Everything you do or use is a function
Combining functions
Functions can be combined to create more abstract behavior
Avoid side effects
Mutating objects or variables are heavily discouraged

These three are the cornerstone of this paradigm which can be expounded in more depth.

Why I Like Functional Programming

Function are like Lego blocks, I start with simple ones and build one on top of the other.
Seeing more perspective gives me more solutions to work with.
Easier to reason and design
A single function pipeline is easier to work with than a many actors passing messages. Oh also, Immutability and Purity help.
The only metric I need

Why JavaScript

No reason really but JavaScript has first class functions so… yeah. If you don’t know what that means then you’ll find out later.

Blah blah blah

Let’s get into it.

Page 01: Functions

Mathematically, given some inputs, it returns an outputs.

// Function Declaration
function add (x, y) {
    return x + y;

// Function Expression
var multiply = function (x, y) {
    return x * y

// Function Constructor - Avoid this like the plague
var increment = new Function('n', 'return n + 1');

I assume you know how to use this bad boys, we’re just reviewing.

Function Declaration

Coming from Java this is how you might prefer to declare functions

function sayMyName(name) {
    return 'My name is ' + name;


This is okay to do if you aren’t doing functional programming

Function Expression

The preferred way of declaring function, a little more verbose but is much more flexible.

var sayMyName = function _sayer(name) {
    return 'My name is ' + name;


This form makes functions a variable which is what we are about to talk about.

Function Constructor

Avoid using this as this is the equivalent of the evil eval.

var sayMyName = new Function('name', "return 'Say my name ' + name");


I just mentioned this for posterity

Think It’s Easy?

It is, let’s step it up.

Idiom: (Almost)Everything Is A Function

In this paradigm, everything should be a function instead of a syntax convention.

This is a good starting point to make our most basic of functions.

Getters and Setters

What do they look like in JavaScript

var favoriteCharacter = { // A random object
    name: 'Linus Van Pelt',
    gender: 'Male',
    inventory: ['Security Blanket']

// Getter; // Using the dot notation
favoriteCharacter['gender']; // Using the brackent notation

// Setter
favoriteCharacter.sister = 'Lucy Van Pelt'; // Ditto here
favoriteCharacter['friend'] = 'Charlie Brown';

// Mention for =delete= who might be forgotten
delete favoriteCharacter.inventory;

Functional Getter And Setters

So let’s wrap the getter and setter operation as functions. This form is slightly verbose but it will be clear later.

var getter = function _doGet(emptyValue, key, object) {
    if (object && object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        return object[key];
    } else {
        return emptyValue;

var setter = function (key, value, object) {
    if (object) {
        object[key] = value;

    return value;

var hero = {
    name: 'Ogre Magi',
    type: 'Intelligence'

getter('Anonymous', 'name', hero); // ::'Ogre Magi'
getter(0, 'baseHp', hero);  // :: 0

setter('baseHp', 550, hero); // :: hero

Mathematical Operations

How the basic math operators?

1 + 2; // :: 3

2 * 3; // :: 6

Functional Mathematical Operators

This should be easy to implement

var add = function _addition(x, y) {
    return x + y;

var multiply = function _multiplication(x, y) {
    return x * y;

add(1, 2); // :: 3
multiply(2, 3); // :: 6

Boolean Operations

Finally, let’s check them out for boolean operations.

// NOTE: JavaScript types really suck, so just roll with this
1 === 0; // :: false
'True' !== 'False'; // :: true

1 <= 2; // :: true
1 >= 2; // :: false

!'Nullify'; // :: false
!!''; // :: false

Functional Boolean Operators

Simple enough

var equals = function _equals(x, y) { return x === y; },
    notEquals = function _notEquals(x, y) { return x !== y;};

var not = function _not(x) { return !x; };

var lessThan = function _lessThan(x, y) { return x < y; },
    moreThan = function _moreThan(x, y) { return x > y;};

var lessThanOrEquals = function _lessThan(x, y) { return x <= y; },
    moreThanOrEquals = function _moreThan(x, y) { return x >= y; };

equals(true, false);


lessThanOrEquals(1, 2);

So What If They Are

Now we can start with these basic functions as building blocks when we start composing.

I do admit it is a little more verbose but the pay of is long term. Let’s move on to something more functional

Page 02: Invoking Functions Functionally

Before moving, we should learn how to call invoke functions.

var getFullName = function _getFullName(firstName, lastName) {
    return lastName + ', ' + firstName;

var firstName = 'Bruce',
    lastName = 'Wayne';

// The default invokation, no frills here
getFullName(firstName, lastName);

// Invoking a function using the =call= method, firstName, lastName);

// Invoking a function with array of arguments
getFullName.apply(null, [firstName, lastName]);

Call Method

Given a function f, you can invoke it with a list of arguments using the call method.

var sum = function _addTriple(x, y, z) { return x + y + z; };

// NOTE: Do notice the first parameter is null and the rest are the real arguments, 1, 2, 3); // :: 6, 4, 3, 0); // :: 7

var double = function _double(n) { return n * 2; };, 1); // :: 2, 2); // :: 4

Apply Method

This is like call but this time it takes an array of values. Let’s do the previous one with apply

var sum = function _addTriple(x, y, z) { return x + y + z; };

// NOTE: Again the first parameter is null, we'll get to that
sum.apply(null, [1, 2, 3]); // :: 6
sum.apply(null, [4, 3, 0]); // :: 7

var double = function _double(n) { return n * 2; };

double.apply(null, [1]); // :: 2
double.apply(null, [2]); // :: 4

this Variable

You might have noticed the null first parameter, this is setting the this variable within the scope of the function. This is more useful for OOP with classes and objects.

var Animal = {
    makeSound: function _makeSound() {
        var self = this; // Notice is *this* is not defined anywhere

        if (!this.type) { // If the animal has no type, throw an error
            throw "Animal must have a type";
        } else if (this.type === 'Cat') {
            return 'Meow';
        } else if (this.type === 'Duck') {
            return 'Quack';

// Animal.makeSound(); // :: error "Animal must have a type";

Animal.type = 'Duck';
Animal.makeSound(); // :: 'Quack'{ type: 'Cat'}); // :: Meow

Avoiding this

Since our focus is invoking functions, we don’t really have to concern ourselves with the complication of this. Imagine a world without classes or instance variables or methods, it is a world of functions on data.

For our discussion, either I set the first parameter as null or this when it is inside a function.

Page 03: Function Arguments

Aside from this, there is another variable which is important to join functions together. That is the arguments variable which contains(you guessed it), the arguments passed in a function.

var myFunction = function (/* args */) { // Nice convention when using arguments variable
    var args = arguments; // Make it explicit rather than implicit

    return args; // Just return what was passed

myFunction(0, false, 'Derp'); // :: [0, false, 'Derp']
myFunction(true); // :: [true]

myFunction() // :: []

Easy? Well, JavaScript made a error with this variable.

Gotcha: arguments is an object

Namely, making that variable an object, instead of a list.

var myOtherFunction = function (/* args */) { // I like this convention
    var argObject = arguments;

    // Now we have to do this when we want it as a list
    var argList = [];

    return argList;

// Compare with the output of myFunction
myFunction(0, false, 'Derp');
myOtherFunction(0, false, 'Derp');

This is important when we want to manipulate function arguments.


When you want to use arguments, my suggested convention is like the one above or the template below.

// Put a comment in the parameter section to indicate it's usage
var theArgumentFunction = function (/* argumentsName */) {
    // First line is the variable name of =arguments=, as named above in the parameters
    var argumentsName = arguments;

    // var argumentsName = []; // If you are going to do something with it.

    // Code goes here

It is easier to know if the function accepts variable number of arguments or that it does something to it.

Type Checking Arguments

What if we want make sure a function which takes integers gets integers? We can have a mock type checker using arguments.

var isNumber = function (rawValue) {
    if (typeof rawValue !== 'number') { // Thorw a type error like in Java
        throw (typeof rawValue) + "<" + rawValue + ">" +  " is not a number"

var typeCheckAllArgs = function (typeChecker, f) {
    return function _argParser(/* args */) {
        var args = [];

        args.forEach(typeChecker); // For loop through each argument and check the type

        return f.apply(this, args);

var add = function (x, y) { return x + y; },
typeCheckedAdd = typeCheckAllArgs(isNumber, add);

add("5", "2"); // :: '52'
// typeCheckedAdd("5", "2"); // :: error "5 is not a integer"

typeCheckedAdd(5, 2); // :: 7

Variable Argument Function

With the arguments variable, we can implement variable argument functions.

var sum = function _varArgSum(/* numbers */) {
    var numbers = [];

    // I chose this implementation for it's brevity, for looping also works
    var add = function (x, y) { return x + y; };

    return numbers.reduce(add, 0);

sum(1, 2, 3); // :: 6
sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); // :: 55

What We’ve Talked About So Far

You should know this
Calling a function with arguments, like the way we always do
Calling a function with a list of arguments
A pseudo-list of arguments passed to a function

This is all you need to get started with the core of functional programming.

Still Easy?

If anything is not clear, now is the time to ask.

Idiom: First Class Functions

What allows JavaScript to be functional is that functions can be passed around like variables, this is what first class functions are which we already been taking advantage of.

var firstClassFunction = function _() { return 'Something'; };

var functionVariable = firstClassFunction; // Variable functions

There is something implied here which is the hardest to grasp when doing functional programming.

Returning Functions

Functions can output or return functions. A subtle but powerful fact, contrast this with other languages such as Java, VB or Smalltalk.

// A function that returns a function
var incrementer = function _startAt(start) {
    var counter = start || 0;

    return function _increment() { // Returns a function
        counter = counter + 1;

        return counter;

var countFromThree = incrementer(3);

// Goes up for each invokation, you can make a infinite sequence with this
countFromThree(); // :: 4
countFromThree(); // :: 5
countFromThree(); // :: 6

This is really no different from returning an object. So get used to or think about it.

Taking And Giving Functions

This leads us to one of the cornerstone of functional programming

Cornerstone: Functions As Units Of Behavior

Every function has one defined purpose. Simple and vague but this is what some of our best practices ascribe.

This is where it gets epic, so I’ll take you through some use cases so you can understand this.

Use Case: Logging

Common use case is to log a function execution. Whether if it is for debugging or logging purposes, this is a good exercise for combining functions.

var save = function (entity) {
    // Do some ajax call, local storate or what have you

    /* Some hypothetical newly saved object */
    return {
        id: 42,
        /* ... */

Assuming you have this save operation, what if you want to know when the function was called?

Quick Fix

Here is a probable fix you might try

var save = function (entity) {
    console.log('Save was called');

    // Do some ajax call, local storate or what have you

    /* Some hypothetical newly saved object */
    return {
        id: 42,
        /* ... */

Well, what if you couldn’t touch the function because it comes from a vendor or plugin?


If the fix above works, it would be a bad form of tangling. We have the original function which does the job now is interrupted with the logging purpose. This violates the fact that functions should do one thing or what they are just supposed to do.

So we have two functions: saving and logging. Here comes our first case of decorating functions.


So let’s make our first decorator function. Get ready.

var logIt = function _decorator(message, loggedFunction)  {
    // Here we return a wrapped function
    return function _decoratedFunction(/* args */)  {
        var args = arguments;

        console.log(message || 'Function was called');

        return loggedFunction.apply(this, args);

Short and precise, did you think it was hard? Let’s see it in action.


It just as simple as calling the functions.

var save = function (entity) { // Function from above
    return {

var loggedSave = logIt('Save was called', save);

    name: 'Snoopy'

And there you have it, we have separated our logging intention from our save intention without touching it. How cool is that? What we just did was make an higher order function.

Page 04: Higher Order Functions

Functions that take functions that return functions. Basically, adding two functions gives you a new function just like addition.

If we treat functions as behaviors, we can add behaviors together to make new behaviors. Fascinating.

From our previous example, did you notice how short it was to combine the function. I want to emphasize combining functions or writing there glue isn’t that long or hard. It is a matter of discipline.

Let’s move on to another use case.

Use Case: Throttling

Let’s say we have a button click handler.

var onClick = function _buttonHandler(event) {
    // Do something with the event, use your imagination

    return 'Button was clicked';

Now what if this was a buy operation or a save operation and what if the user’s mouse is double clicking by itself. Click twice, buy twice. Dangerous.

How do we prevent this? We can add a timeout before clicking again or to throttle it say click after 500 milliseconds.

Quick Fix

The code to throttle this is a little harder.

var isThrottled = false,
    throttlePeriod = 500;

var onClick = function _buttonHandler(event) {
    if (!isThrottled) {
        isThrottled = true;

        setTimeout(function _releaseThrottling() {
            isThrottled = false;
        }, throttlePeriod);

        // Do something with the event, use your imagination

        return 'Button was clicked';
    } else {
        return; // Do nothing when it is throttled

The fix just makes the original handler just dirtier by adding it, yuck. Same concept, how do we separate concerns? We decorate it.

Idea / Refactor

Let’s create a function that throttles another function

var throttle = function _throttler (delay, throttled) {
    var isThrottled = false,
        throttlePeriod = delay;

    return function _throttledFunction(/* args */) {
        var args = arguments;

        if (!isThrottled) {
            isThrottled = true;

            setTimeout(function _releaseThrottling() {
                isThrottled = false;
            }, throttlePeriod);

            return throttled.apply(this, args);
        } else {
            return; // Do nothing when it is throttled

Did you see it? We just refactored the previously dirty function and extracted the throttling function. Refactoring is a good habit as it separated the behaviors.


Let’s see it in action.

// Original
onClick(); // :: 'Button was clicked'
onClick(); // :: 'Button was clicked'

// Let's increase the throttling period for effect
var throttledOnClick = throttle(2500, onClick);

// Throttled - Cue demo
throttledOnClick(); // :: 'Button was clicked'
throttledOnClick(); // :: undefined

Cool, we made the code way cleaner and got ourself another function. Refactoring good.

But this are just abstract behaviors. How about some real behaviors? Let’s move on.

Use Case: Conditional Invokation

What if you have an action or event but only want to trigger if a certain condition is met.

var gotoHomePage  = function (/* args */) {
    return 'Went to the home page'; // Just imagine something here

var isAuthenticated = function (/* args */) {
    return true; // Well

So you know the spiel. How do we combine them? Our objective is to trigger gotoHomePage only if isAuthenticated returns positive.

Quick Fix

You know what I’m going to do. Just plug it in outright.

var gotoHomePage = function (/* args */) {
    var args = arguments;

    var allowExecution = isAuthenticated.apply(this, args);

    if (allowExecution === true) {
        return 'Went to the home page';
    } else {
        return; // Again do nothing

Again, we refactor.


What we need is a function that executes if the conditional function is true.

// Again, simple refactoring
var doIf = function _callIf(condition, executor) {
    return function _conditionalCall(/* args */) {
        var args = arguments;

        var allowExecution = condition.apply(this, args);

        if (allowExecution === true) {
            return executor.apply(this, args);
        } else {

This time we take two functions and depends on the value of the first which is something we’ll see more later on.

First Application

No surprise here

var authenticatedGotoPage = doIf(isAuthenticated, gotoHomePage);

It’s rather flat to look at but the point still holds. But there is something we can do to make it even more appeasing.

Second Application

So what if there is another condition? Say what if we want the function to proceed if the server is up? (I’m running out of imagination.) Let’s reuse our functions in a creative way.

// Previous declaration
var authenticatedGotoPage = doIf(isAuthenticated, gotoHomePage);

// Might be asynchronous but bear with me
var cachedStatus = false; // Say there is a ping every second and saved in a variable

var isServerUp = function () {
    return cachedStatus === true;

// Awesome reuse
var authenticatedAndActiveGotoPage = doIf(isServerUp, authenticatedGotoPage);

So for every new condition we can just keep wrapping it, pretty powerful. Overall, we now combined concrete behaviors to produce new ones.


So I hope you got the point.

  • Functions should only do what they’re supposed to do
  • Combine functions or behaviors
  • Refactor
  • Imagine

So any question before moving on?

Idiom: Function Pipeline

Since everything is a function, we need better tools of combining them. Let’s see this in action.

// Let's see if we can copy this
var operation = function (n) {
    return 2 * n + 1;

operation(4); // :: 9

var increment = function (n) { return n + 1; },
    multiplyByTwo = function (n) { return n * 2; };

// Chaining the functions together
increment(multiplyByTwo(5)); // :: 9

What we did here is make a function pipeline with the two smaller functions to emulate the first one. Let’s delve deeper.

Stringing Functions Together

Let’s ante up with text functions. When I mean text, I mean strings. String is weirdly named.

// Just wrapping methods into functions
var toText = function (value) { return value.toString(); },
    toUpperCase = function (text) { return text.toUpperCase() },
    length = function (text) { return text.length; };

var theNumber = 42;

// Let's chain them
// toText -> toUpperCase -> length

// Paren over paren over paren, yuck
length(toUpperCase(toText(theNumber))); // :: 2

// Why not just?

Obviously, something is wrong. The object method chain looks prettier than the functional equivalent. But we’re not just looking at aesthetics.

Composing Functions

Let’s create an hypothetical chain for a form entity.

// Pay attention to the name
var removeEmptyFields = function (entity) { return entity; },
    upperCaseTextFields = function (entity) { return entity; },
    serializeToJson = function (entity) { return JSON.stringify(entity); };

// Pretend form value
var formValues = {
    name: 'SUSHI',
    gender: 'MALE',
    cuteness: 0.80

// Chaining order
// removeEmptyFields -> upperCaseTextFields -> serializeToJson

// Rather what we need is not a chain but a behavior
var processFormValues = function (formEntity) {
    return serializeToJson(upperCaseTextFields(removeEmptyFields(formEntity)));

// This is what we are actually looking for

What we want here is a tool to create function pipelines. We don’t want the nesting parenthesis, what we want is the sum of it.

Page 05: Function Composition

Let’s keep it simple and see how we can tie two functions together.

// Again, imagine it is some big function or whatnot
var f = function (/* args */) { return "inner"; },
    g = function (/* args */) { return "outer"; };

// How do we clean this up?
g(f(1, 2, 3)); // Some value

// We can try this
var fAndg = function (/* args */) {
    var args = [];

    var fValue = f.apply(this, args);

    var gValue =, fValue);

    return gValue;

// Looks cleaner
fAndg(1, 2, 3); // Same value

Let’s refactor fAndg, this is where it begins.

Defining Function Composition

What we are defining is function composition for two functions. Two is a good number.

var compose = function _composer(outer, inner) {
    return function _composedFunction (/* args */) {
        var args = [];

        var innerValue = inner.apply(this, args);

        var outerValue =, innerValue);

        return outerValue;

Notice how short and easy to write this. But some examples would improve our comprehension

Using compose

Show time

// Start with two
var increment = function (n) { return n + 1; },
    triple = function (n) { return n * 3; };

// Remember read from the end to the beginning
var incrementThenTriple = compose(triple, increment),
    incrementTwice = compose(increment, increment),
    multipleByNine = compose(triple, triple);

// Too easy? let's use lists
var first = function (xs) { return xs[0]; },
    rest = function (xs) { return xs.slice(1); },
    reverse = function (xs) { return xs.reverse(); };

var second = compose(first, rest),
    last = compose(first, reverse),
    dropTwo = compose(rest, rest),
    same = compose(reverse, reverse);

Remember these are just simple functions and we are just combining them.

Defining pipe

With compose, you have to read from right to left, which is a little awkward. I prefer to read left to right like a proper English gentleman.

So I introduce a left to right version of it known as pipe, taken from Linux shell piping.

var pipe = function (inner, outer) { // Notice the reversed naming
    return compose(outer, inner);

var prependNamespace = function (symbolName) { return 'fn/' + symbolName; },
    appendParens = function (symbolName) { return prependNamespace + '()'; };

var mySymbol = 'mySymbol';

appendParens(prependNamespace(mySymbol)); // :: fn/mySymbol()

var processSymbolWithPipe = pipe(prependNamespace, appendParens), // Now left to right
    processSymbolWithCompose = compose(appendParens, prependNamespace); // Default right to left

// Same answers as above

The Bigger Picture

Now that we have the tool for chaining functions together, namely the two function version of compose and pipe, we can create the variable function version of it.

I want to emphasize this function pipeline or functional data flow. When we link several functions together, here is the flow.

  • The first function takes all the arguments of the invokation
  • The next function takes the previous return value as its arguments
  • The last function returns the value for the pipeline.

This is emphasizes how functional programming does its data flow: a straight line of functions that transform input from one to the other.

Page 06: Composition

The implementation of variable argument composition is up to you. I won’t force this implementation on you but this is how I implemented it. I dub thee composes (with an s).

var composes = function _multiComposer(/* fns */) {
    var fns = [];

    if (fns.length === 0) {
        throw "No function to compose"
    } else if (fns.length === 1) {
        return fns[0]; // Same function
    } else {
        var reversedFns = fns.reverse(),
            otherFns = reversedFns.slice(1),
            firstFn = reversedFns[0];

        return otherFns.reduce(pipe, firstFn);

One of two snippets I won’t really discuss, trust me on this that this composes multiple functions together.


Let’s implement it for the also multiple functions. It’s just as simple as reversing the arguments for compose.

var pipes = function _reversedCompose(/* fns */) {
    var fns = [];

    var reversedFns = fns.reverse();

    return composes.apply(this, reversedFns);

Which makes sense if we want to read in the opposite direction


So here it is, the mighty composes is implemented. Let’s just run to two examples.

Unchained Methodology

Let’s see what composition looks like against method chaining.

var myWords = "The quick brown fox jumps over the head of the lazy dog.";

// Let's count the number of words
    .split(' ')

// Then let's compare this with the functional style
var splitByWord = function (text) { return text.split(' '); },
    length = function (xs) { return xs.length; };

var countWords = composes(length, splitByWord);

// So how does this compare?

Still a little more verbose. But this will make more sense if you had currying which we discuss later on.

What I will say is that with this functional version, you get a function that does what it says, count the number of words.

Hiding If

Let’s use function composition to hide an if condition.

var mapIf = function (predicate, mapper) {
    return function (value) { // This time it's is a single argument
        var ifValue =, value);

        return ifValue === true ?, value) : value;

var tooLongName = function (username) { return username.length > 10; },
    toLowerCase = function (text) { return text.toLowerCase(); },
    escapeHtml = function (text) { return text; }, // The regexp might be too long, imagine
    truncateName = function (username) { return username.slice(0, 10); };

var myUsername = "CharlieBrowniest";

var displayName = composes( // A nice convention when composing functions
    mapIf(tooLongName, truncateName),

displayName(myUsername); // :: charliebro

Is there an (explicit) if statement lying around? This is where functional programming can help: reduce nested logic.


Anyone need a break before moving on to curry? Or we can stop here.

Idiom: Partial Application

Sometimes there is a redundancy or duplication. Take for example adding prefixes.

// Redefined for text
var concat = function (x, y) {return x + y; };

// Notice the redundancy here
var prefixMr = function (name) { return concat('Mr.', name); },
    prefixMrs = function (name) { return concat('Mrs.', name); };


Certainly there is a pattern here. What if concat could be just prefilled or preset with the first argument and execute it once it gets its last argument.

Presetting Two Arguments

Let’s implement that idea for two arguments

var presetFirstArg = function _presetFirstArgs(f, firstArg) {
    return function _waitingForSecondArg(secondArg) {
        return, firstArg, secondArg);

var concat = function (x, y) { return x + y; };

var prefixMr = presetFirstArg(concat, 'Mr'),
    prefixMrs = presetFirstArg(concat, 'Mrs.');

We definitely have some improvement here. But what if want to do it with three arguments?

Presetting Three Arguments

Let’s do this again but this time with names.

// Looks like a pyramid
var presetTwoArgs = function _presetFirstArg(f, firstArg) {
    return function _waitingForSecondArg(secondArg) {
        return function _waitingForThirdArg(thirdArg) {
            return, firstArg, secondArg, thirdArg);

var fullName = function (firstName, middleName, lastName) {
    return lastName + ', ' + firstName + ' ' + middleName;

// Preset the arguments
var johnWho = presetTwoArgs(fullName, 'John');

var johnMichaelWho = johnWho('Michael');

johnMichaelWho('Vincent'); // :: "John Michael Vincent"
johnMichaelWho('Allan'); // :: "John Michael Allan"

Pretty impressive if you ask me. But how about for four or more arguments? Do we keep doing this and it doesn’t look pretty?

Another Big Picture

What we want our functions to do is to store the parameters until it has enough to execute the function. It’s like charging up batteries or arguments.

And what we achieved in doing that is creating new functions from old ones just by presetting there parameters. This function behavior is known as currying, thanks to Haskell Curry.

Page 07: Function Currying

This is the last snippet I won’t expect you to understand. It is a challenge to implement currying in your own way, this is how I found it by myself.

var curry = function (f) {
    var self = this,
        argumentLength = f.length;

    // Using a helper function
    var currier = function _recursiveCurrier(oldArgs) {
        return function _recursiveCurry(/* newArgs */) {
            var newArgs = [],
                curArgs = oldArgs.concat(newArgs);

            if (curArgs.length < argumentLength) { // Check if there is enough parameters
                return currier(curArgs); // Keep returning a function until then
            } else {
                return f.apply(self, curArgs);; // Execute when there is enough

    return currier([]);

The main idea is to keep returning a function until enough arguments has been supplied.

Revisiting Our Old Friends

Remember our old friends getter and setter which takes three arguments? I set it up that way so it can be curried.

var getId = curry(getter)(0, 'id'),
    getDescription = curry(getter)('', 'description'),
    setEmptyDescription = curry(setter)('description', 'N/A');

var ps4 = { id: 100, name: 'PlayStation Portable'},
    ds = {name: 'Nintendo DS', description: 'Infidel Handheld'};

getId(ps4); // :: 100
getId(ds); // :: 0

getDescription(ps4); // :: ''
getDescription(ds); // :: 'Infidel Handheld'

getDescription(ps4); // :: 'N/A'

Does it look boring or more complicated? Wait until we compose the getters and setters.

Curried Booleans

How about our other friends, equals?

var isZero = curry(equals)(0),
    isNull = curry(equals)(null);

isZero(10); // :: false
isZero(0); // :: true

isNull(10); // :: false

var isNotZero = composes(not, isZero);

isNotZero(10); // :: true
isNotZero(0); // :: false

Did you see any declared function expressions? Epic.

But Where Does This Fit In?

In a function pipeline, the return value is passed through each one which implies that the piped function must be of one argument. This is where curry fits in.

You preset arguments for piped functions so that one argument remains so that it passes through perfectly.

Either way, currying is a great way to derive new functions from old just by presetting arguments.

Combined Use Cases

So now that we have the two cornerstone functions, curry and compose; let’s have some fun with it. This is where it gets even crazier.

You don’t have to understand this completely but just the use cases.

var people = [
    {name: 'Alice', gender: 'Female', source: 'Dilbert', salary: 100, starred: true},
    {name: 'Dilbert', gender: 'Male', source: 'Dilbert', salary: 120 },

    {name: 'Bruce Wayne', gender: 'Male', source: 'DC', starred: true},
    {name: 'Selina Kyle', gender: 'Female', source: 'DC'},

    {name: 'Master Chief', gender: 'Male', source:'Video Game'},
    {name: 'Doom Guy', gender: 'Male', source: 'Video Game', starred: true},
    {name: 'Samus', gender: 'Female', source: 'Video Game'}

Here is a simple list of people we can use.


Every list has a method map that takes a one argument function. Sound similar? Let’s get their names?

A list method that takes a mapping function and returns a new list that applies the function to each one.
var getName = curry(getter)('', 'name'),
    getSalary =curry(getter)(0, 'salary');; // :: ["Alice", "Dilbert", "Bruce Wayne", ... // :: [100, 120, 0, ... ]

// What if we want an total, no need to understand
    .reduce(add, 0); // 240


Ditto with filter

A list method that takes a predicate function and returns a new list where every element satisfies the predicate
var isFemale = curry(equals)('Female'),
    isMale = curry(equals)('Male'),
    getGender = curry(getter)('', 'gender');

// Notice we composed
var isFemalePerson = compose(isFemale, getGender),
    isMalePerson = compose(isMale, getGender);

var males = people.filter(isMale),
    females = people.filter(isFemale);

// Other convention
var isStarred = compose(
    curry(getter)(false, 'starred')

var favoritePeople = people.filter(isStarred);

Deep Getter

One of the strong points of Functional Programming is avoiding null pointer exceptions and this happens often with objects.

Let’s say we have a deep object

var deepObject = {
    a: {
        b: {
            c: 1
        d: 2
    e: 3

How do we get the value of c ? We can try deepObject.a.b.c or deepObject['a']['b']['c']. Either is the object didn’t have a or b, you would get a undefined exception there.

So how do we gracefully handle that?

Composing getter’s

With our friend getter, we can safely default to null.

var safeGet = curry(getter)(null);

var getC = composes(

getC(deepObject); // :: 1

var getIncorrectC = composes(

getIncorrectC(deepObject); // :: null
// deepObject.a.b.bx.c // :: undefined type error

This is what known as lenses, getters with composition. This example is somewhat contrived but you can imagine the scenarios.

Methodology Unchained

So we return to method chaining, I challenge you to method chain the pipeline shown.

var currentDate = new Date(), // Obtained somewhere
    addLastModifiedDate = setter('lastModifiedDate', currentDate);

var csrfToken = '1234abcd', // Somewhere in the DOM maybe?
    addCsrfToken = setter('csrfToken', currentDate);

var removeEmptyFields = function (entity) {
    for (var key in entity) {
        if (entity.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            if (!entity[key]) {
                delete entity[key];

    return entity;

var serializeToJson = function (entity) { return JSON.stringify(entity); };

var processEntity = composes( // Now turn this into a method chain

So Much More

I can go on and on if I have to but that’s it for now.

Closing Words On Functions

I like functions because they are lightweight and easy to mix and match according to my needs.

What we’ve done is just start from simple atomic functions and build them with higher order functions. I think this is the simplest way of writing code, bottom to top, input and output, and fun.

I know it is not easy, but it is simpler and fun.

So What Did We Learn

If you learned anything, I want you to learn just this, not compose, not curry but to respect the function. It is small but think about what we constructed from ground up and what else we can craft with what we have.


Hopefully no headaches.

Shameless Plug

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  • FP User Group
  • Philippine Emacs User Group

We are a small group but we’d love to have people join our motley crew to engage and learn more about this fascinating paradigm.

Thanks For Your Time


Yet another functional programming attempt for RCGGS






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