Modeling synaptic integration of bursty and beta oscillatory inputs in ventromedial motor thalamic neurons in normal and parkinsonian states
Francesco Cavarretta, Dieter Jaeger
eNeuro 21 November 2023, ENEURO.0237-23.2023
DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0237-23.2023
Author names and affiliations, including postal codes:
Francesco Cavarretta
Department of Biology, Emory University
1510 East Clifton Road Northeast 2006
Atlanta, GA 30322
+1 (203) 503-7071
[email protected]; [email protected]
Dieter Jaeger
Department of Biology, Emory University
1510 East Clifton Road Northeast 2006
Atlanta, GA 30322
+1 (404) 727-8139
[email protected]
This entry contains the source code used to run simulations of ventromedial thalamocortical neurons in in vivo-like conditions and process experimental data. Simulations were implemented using the NEURON simulator, and the results were published in the paper (above).
The execution of these scripts requires NEURON v. 7.7+, Python v. 3.7+ along with SciPy, NumPy, PyNWB, and MatPlotLib packages.
For any question, do not hesitate to contact the authors.