An Elixir client for accessing Amazon's Merchant Web Services
Create %Config
config = %MWSClient.Config{aws_access_key_id: "SomeKey", seller_id: "SellerId", aws_secret_access_key: "SecretKey"}
products = [[activefrom: "2017-02-03T05:31:52.066Z",
description: "<p>Bolshinstvo knig po strukturam dannykh predpolagaiut ispolzovanie imperativnogo iazyka programmirovaniia, naprimer, S/S++ ili Java. Odnako realizatcii struktur dannykh na takikh iazykakh daleko ne vsegda khorosho perenosiatsia na funktcionalnye iazyki programmirovaniia, takie kak Standartnyi ML, Haskell ili Scheme. V etoi knige struktury dannykh opisyvaiutsia s tochki zreniia funktcionalnykh iazykov, v nei soderzhatsia primery i predlagaiutsia podkhody k proektirovaniiu, kotorye mogut ispolzovatsia razrabotchikami pri sozdanii ikh sobstvennykh struktur dannykh. Kniga vkliuchaet v sebia kak klassicheskie struktury dannykh, k primeru, krasno-chernye derevia i binomialnye ocheredi, tak i nekotorye novye struktury dannykh, sozdannye spetcialno dlia funktcionalnykh iazykov. Ves iskhodnyi kod privoditsia na Standartnom ML i Haskell, prichem bolshinstvo programm netrudno adaptirovat dlia drugikh funktcionalnykh iazykov programmirovaniia. eto izdanie predstavliaet soboi spravochnoe rukovodstvo dlia professionalnykh programmistov, rabotaiushchikh s funktcionalnymi iazykami, i mozhet takzhe ispolzovatsia v kachestve uchebnika dlia samostoiatelnogo izucheniia. Na saite izdatelstva DMK-Press vylozhen arkhiv s iskhodnymi tekstami realizatcii vsekh struktur dannykh na iazykakh Standartnyi ML i Haskell. Ikh mozhno ispolzovat v kachestve osnovy pri vypolnenii mnogochislennykh uprazhnenii.</p>",
tags: ["book", "programming", "haskell", "elixir", "scala"],
title: "Chisto funktsionalnye struktury dannyh", author: "Okasaki Kris",
bindingtypes: "Paperback", language: "Russian",
activefrom: "2017-02-03T05:31:52.066Z", category: "Books", channel: "amazon",
code: "AMZ2331", isbn: "9785970602331"]]
MWSClient.submit_product_feed(products, cfg)
%{"SubmitFeedResponse" => %{"ResponseMetadata" => %{"RequestId" => "5605d1de-e678-487a-8609-6fd3cacfd7e7"},
"SubmitFeedResult" => %{"FeedSubmissionInfo" => %{"FeedProcessingStatus" => "_SUBMITTED_",
"FeedSubmissionId" => "50071017207",
"FeedType" => "_POST_PRODUCT_DATA_",
"SubmittedDate" => "2017-02-10T11:51:58+00:00"}}}}}
prices = [[code: "AMZ2331", retailprice: %{"currency" => "USD", "value" => 2399}]]
MWSClient.submit_price_feed(prices, cfg)
%{"SubmitFeedResponse" => %{"ResponseMetadata" => %{"RequestId" => "5ee65928-a443-4598-ab4f-d0bce0a8a23c"},
"SubmitFeedResult" => %{"FeedSubmissionInfo" => %{"FeedProcessingStatus" => "_SUBMITTED_",
"FeedSubmissionId" => "50072017207",
"SubmittedDate" => "2017-02-10T11:53:35+00:00"}}}}}
inventory = [[sku: "AMZ2331", quantity: 10]]
MWSClient.submit_inventory_feed(inventory, cfg)
%{"SubmitFeedResponse" => %{"ResponseMetadata" => %{"RequestId" => "52aae66a-5117-48bf-9b61-7d7a24e3263f"},
"SubmitFeedResult" => %{"FeedSubmissionInfo" => %{"FeedProcessingStatus" => "_SUBMITTED_",
"FeedSubmissionId" => "50073017207",
"SubmittedDate" => "2017-02-10T11:57:50+00:00"}}}}}
iex(7)> MWSClient.get_feed_submission_result("50071017207", cfg)
%{"AmazonEnvelope" => %{"Header" => %{"DocumentVersion" => "1.02",
"MerchantIdentifier" => "A2KK3Z7K1ON8YS"},
"Message" => %{"MessageID" => "1",
"ProcessingReport" => %{"DocumentTransactionID" => "50071017207",
"ProcessingSummary" => %{"MessagesProcessed" => "1",
"MessagesSuccessful" => "1", "MessagesWithError" => "0",
"MessagesWithWarning" => "1"},
"Result" => [%{"AdditionalInfo" => %{"SKU" => "AMZ2331"},
"MessageID" => "1", "ResultCode" => "Warning",
"ResultDescription" => "A value was not provided for \"brand_name\". Please provide a value for \"brand_name\". This information appears on the product detail page and helps customers evaluate products.",
"ResultMessageCode" => "99041"},
%{"AdditionalInfo" => %{"SKU" => "AMZ2331"}, "MessageID" => "1",
"ResultCode" => "Warning",
"ResultDescription" => "A value was not provided for \"bullet_point1\". Please provide a value for \"bullet_point1\". This information appears on the product detail page and helps customers evaluate products.",
"ResultMessageCode" => "99041"}], "StatusCode" => "Complete"}},
"MessageType" => "ProcessingReport",
"{}noNamespaceSchemaLocation" => "amzn-envelope.xsd"}}}
MWSClient.list_matching_products("Apple iphone 6S 256Gb", cfg)
%{"ListMatchingProductsResponse" => %{"ListMatchingProductsResult" => %{"Products" => %{"Product" => [%{"AttributeSets" => %{"ItemAttributes" => %{"Binding" => "Wireless Phone Accessory",
"Brand" => "Apple", "Color" => "Black", "DisplaySize" => "5.50", ....
iex(10)> MWSClient.get_product_by_asin(["B01LYT95XR"], cfg)
%{"GetMatchingProductResponse" => %{"GetMatchingProductResult" => %{"ASIN" => "B01LYT95XR",
"Product" => %{"AttributeSets" => %{"ItemAttributes" => %{"Binding" => "Wireless Phone Accessory", ...
MWSClient.get_product_categories_for_asin("B01LYT95XR", cfg)
%{"GetProductCategoriesForASINResponse" => %{"GetProductCategoriesForASINResult" => %{"Self" => %{"Parent" => %{"Parent" => %{"Parent" => %{"ProductCategoryId" => "2335752011",
"ProductCategoryName" => "Cell Phones & Accessories"},
"ProductCategoryId" => "2335753011",
"ProductCategoryName" => "Categories"},
"ProductCategoryId" => "7072561011",
"ProductCategoryName" => "Cell Phones"},
"ProductCategoryId" => "2407749011",
"ProductCategoryName" => "Unlocked Cell Phones"}},
"ResponseMetadata" => %{"RequestId" => "709429ea-c4c5-40ae-9149-bd96040bacfd"}}}}
MWSClient.subscribe_to_sqs("aws_sqs_queue_url", cfg)
%{"RegisterDestinationResponse" => %{"RegisterDestinationResult" => %{},
"ResponseMetadata" => %{"RequestId" => "76b2145c-6083-4157-8be2-6e330b923ca1"}}}}
MWSClient.unsubscribe_from_sqs("aws_sqs_queue_url", cfg)
%{"DeregisterDestinationResponse" => %{"DeregisterDestinationResult" => %{},
"ResponseMetadata" => %{"RequestId" => "bb9e88ad-b3bb-4267-a42f-7d29400fbef0"}}}}
For available params check this file
%{"ListOrdersResponse" => %{"ListOrdersResult" => %{"LastUpdatedBefore" => "2017-02-10T12:03:11Z",
"Orders" => %{}},
"ResponseMetadata" => %{"RequestId" => "1e7053ad-0b6b-4bbb-a475-c30778f915da"}}}}
If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:
- Add
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
def deps do
[{:mws_client, "~> 0.0.1"}]
- Ensure
is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:mws_client]]