Flux Notes Changes:
"Active Treatment Summary" now shows in the summary section
Support loading of generic DSTU2 FHIR Patients via SMART on FHIR by adding MCODE profiles
Added "Open Source Note" functionality for timeline icons
Removed lines that connected dots on select graphs
Disabled editing text of most @ shortcuts with the exception of @ONCOHIST
Compass Changes:
Implemented icons view (toggling and visualization) without interaction
Update dates on entries of the synthetic patient to align with each other
Made Compass able to launch via SMART on FHIR
Made side-effects filterable
Update colors to reflect consistency in the Flux style guide
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where in some cases context was being determined by order in which shortcuts are typed instead of position in the editor
Medication data now loads correctly when using the SMART on FHIR datasource
Fixed a bug where the dots on the disease status graph were missing on initial load
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