Support for MCODE ES6 classes, New treatment options designs, generic cancer summary section, bug fixes
Changes in this release include:
- Added support for MCODE ES6 classes
- Began updates to new design for Treatment Options section for Core Cancer Pilot
- Added a default summary section for any cancer type. Used on Core Cancer Pilot endpoint.
Bug fixes in this release include:
- Improved copy and paste functionality to only paste the copied text
- Fixed the resizing of the treatment options section
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when inserting a structured phrase at the beginning of plain text
- Fixed a bug when searching for “Section”
- Fixed a bug when adding multiple toxicities in Point of Care mode
- Fixed a bug where hovering over the options in a template options causes the shortcut in the note to disappear
- Fixed a bug where the Lab section name was incorrect
- Dashed underline on structured phrases added to the bottom of a note does not disappear