- Gravity
- Springs with directional dampening
- Bouncing
- Resitance
- Raylib
- 3D Model
- Univers
- Gravity for every particule
- Spring Forces for every springs
- Apply spring forces on the particule
- Update velocity for each particule
- Update position for each particule
- check collision for every particule
We download and send the data to the GPU between every action
- Draw the spings
- Draw the particule
to draw the particule we take the array of particule and the array of color They are the same length and particule[i] -> color[i]
[SPACE] -> start the simulation
[LEFT] -> Display debug
[UP] or [DOWN] -> Change targeted particule
[KEY PAD +] or [KEY PAD -] -> Slow or accelerate the simulation (When accelerated -> can be unstable)
The Object GPU is an interface to communicate with the gpu All the kernel are in the opencl folder
I had to reimplement a bunch of basic vector function because I am using Vector3 witch is from C# and differ from float3 in OpenCl
0 : Univer struct
1 : Input buffer (array of particule)
2 : Output buffer (array of particuke)
exectuted once for each particule
0 : Input buffer (array of particule)
1 : springs -> array containing all the springs
2 : sp -> array of springs_force
exectuted once for every springs
0 : Input buffer (array of particule)
1 : Output buffer (array of particule)
2 : sp -> array of springs_force
3 : cloth -> array of one element -> the cloth settings
Since all the cloth particule are in the same buffer as all the other particule We need to know where they are in the array
- offset : tells where the index start
- count : tells how many particule they are in the array
ex : [p,p,p,p,p,c,c,c,c,c,c,p,p];
-> offset 5
-> count 6
We know the cloth is from index 5 to index 10
Executed once for every particule in the cloth
0 : Univers (array of one element) contain the univer parameter G and dt
1 : Input (array of all the particules)
2 : Ouput (array of all the particules)
They both are exectuted once per particule
0 : Univers (array of one element) contain the univer parameter G and dt
1 : Input (array of all the particuls)
2 : Ouput (array of all the particuls)
Executed once for every particules
- don't download the buffer and keep every thing on the GPU (big FPS increase)
- Change data structure for an 3D map to improve collision check