- Zsh: Custom shell configuration and settings.
- Neovim: My Neovim setup, including plugins and keybindings.
- Git: Configuration for Git.
- Hypr: Hyprland configuration and keybindings.
- Awesome: Awesome wm config and binds
- Fish: Custom fish shell
- Ghostty: Ghostty terminal config
To get started with these dotfiles on your own machine, follow these steps:
- GNU Stow: A symlink farm manager. Install it using your package manager.
- Git: For version control and managing dotfiles.
Clone the Repository
git clone [email protected]:FlavioZanoni/.dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
Navigate to the Dotfiles Directory
cd ~/.dotfiles
Stow Configuration
Use GNU Stow to create symlinks for the configurations you want to apply:
stow zsh stow nvim stow git stow hypr etc...
This will symlink the configuration files to their respective locations in your home directory.
Create the structure for the config inside ~/.dotfiles/ and copy what you want to save (including dir path)
So if the folder lives at ~/.config/ the folder would be: ./{config_name}/.config/{folder_name}/{config_file}
Run the following command
stow -t ~ $config_name