You may also be interested in Flare's Scripts, a collection of shell and NodeJS (check that project's readme!) scripts I use dozens of times an hour.
Based on a lot of discoveries from GitHub Does dotfiles, this is my repo for my dotfiles. I've also included a setup script, mostly for personal use, that will bring a brand new Mac from stock to stylish with minimal messing around.
bash -c "$(curl -sSL"
Or a new Steam Deck
bash -c "$(curl -sSL"
Or a new Ubuntu Linux
bash -c "$(curl -sSL"
If not setting up a new machine I git clone
directly into ~
and run the script for the thing(s) I want to setup:
sh dotfiles/setup/ # You should absolutely run this file to help prevent leaking secrets
sh dotfiles/setup/ # Symlinks files to ~
sh dotfiles/setup/ # pull scripts and sets up paths: see Flare57/scripts repo
sh dotfiles/setup/ # Yes, this sets up vim
sh dotfiles/setup/ # Oh My Zshell goes deliciously with Zsh
A quick note about secrets and private info: This project recommends keeping sensitive information in a set of
files in the$HOME/dotfiles/.doNotCommit.d
folder. They do not reside directly in$HOME
because scripts in thedotfiles
project can and do edit them.
If I also want to install all the apps I use frequently, I'll run
sh dotfiles/setup/ # Check the script for details
sh dotfiles/setup/OSX/ # Check the script for details
You can read each of the scripts for details of how/what they do, but as far as what YOU can do, here's a breakdown:
There's a lot going on here, I know. Looking at all these lists is enough to make most folks close the browser tab, but bear with me for a moment.
The most important part of a program/tool is, in my opinion, getting around. For my configs, I've settled on a "vim-style" approach to this, which means using H, J, K, and L to move Left, Down, Up, and Right. Combining these movements with different modifiers makes up the bulk of getting around!
Modifier | App | Notes |
Ctrl | Vim | Moves between Buffers |
Shift | Vim | Moves between Tabs |
Alt | tmux | Moves between panes |
Shift+Alt | tmux | Moves between Windows |
As a bonus: _
and |
plus the above modifiers also splits/creates the thing it navigates
horizontally or vertically!
- Solarized - Beauty!
- vim-airline - Fast and flexible status line
- vim-json - Make JSON better!
- typescript-vim - Make Typescript... less awful
- ag.vim - Silver Searcher... IN VIM
- ctrlp.vim - Fuzzy file finder!
- z.vim - The power of Z-script in Vim
- undotree - Makes traversing the undo tree not suck
- gutentags + tagabar - Index your source code and <Ctrl-]> your way to happiness
- MergeTool - Makes
git mergetool
way more useful - vim-surround - easily change '' to "" to
then the thing that's there, and the thing you want- (e.g. 'hello world' to "hello world", do
- (e.g. 'hello world' to "hello world", do
See for info, or the .vimrc
file for line-by-line comments
Mode | Keys | Actions |
Normal/Visual | j/k/h/l | move "visually" up and down, makes soft-wraps easier |
Normal | B & E | shortcuts for ^ and $ |
Normal | ctrl + j, k, h, l | change focus between windows |
Normal | H & L | Move between tabs |
Normal | :VE | Open a new Vertical buffer in Explore mode |
Normal | :HE | Open a new Horizontal buffer in Explore mode |
Normal | :TE | Open a new Tab in Explore mode |
Normal | ctrl + _ | split window horizontally |
Normal | ctrl + | | split window vertically |
Normal | ,<Enter> | zoom in/out of buffer |
Normal | >, <, +, - | resize current window |
Normal | ,a | fuzzy search (Silver Searcher) for files under pwd |
Normal | ,z | Open commonly used folders in current buffer (see Z) |
Normal | ctrl+p | brings up file search under pwd |
Visual | ,y | yank selected to OSx/WSL clipboard |
Mode | Keys | Actions |
Visual | ,uq | Removes quotes from selected text |
Normal | ,<space> | turns off search highlighting |
Normal | ,dc | Diff current buffer against on-disk file (changes since last save) |
Normal | ,dg | Diffs current buffer against git history |
Normal | ,do | Diffs "open" buffers against each other |
Normal | ,/ | Shows the count of your last search |
Normal | gV | highlight last inserted text |
Normal | ,u | Brings up "Super Undo" |
Mode | Keys | Actions |
Normal | @y | converts "Describe Table" and converts to YAML (beta) |
Visual | <count>,<Tab> | works on range, starts a # comment at column |
Normal | ,q | saves current session to /tmp/ongoing and exits |
Normal | ,rb | [R]uns current file in [b]rowser (chrome by default) |
Mode | Keys | Actions |
Insert | ,jg | Starts a Green section |
Insert | ,jr | Starts a Red section |
Insert | ,jo | Starts an Orange section |
Mode | Keys | Actions |
Normal | ,sv | Source .vimrc in open vim instance |
Normal | ,ev | Edit .vimrc in new tab |
Normal | ,ez | Edit .zshrc & .zshenv in new tab w/ split pane |
Normal | ,et | Edit .tmux.conf in new tab |
Normal | ,ej | Edit .jira.d/config.yml in new tab |
Normal | ,ed | Edit dotfiles root folder in new tab |
Mode | Keys | Actions |
Default | Ma h, j, k, l | Resize pane 2 units in given direction |
Default | M + h, j, k, l | Switch to pane given direction |
Default | M + , - | New horizontal, vertical split |
Default | M +⇧ + |, _ | New window |
Default | M +⇧ + K | Switch to the "last" window |
Default | M +⇧ + H, L | Switch to window to the left/right |
Default | M +⇧ + : | tmux command prompt |
Default | C-k | clear buffer |
Default | Ma Enter | Maximize/Restore current pane |
Default | Ma b | Sends UbuntuQuickInstall script to pane (for containers!) |
Check out flare576/jira-cli.
Command | Parms | Result |
vz | none | Edit(vi) .zshrc and .zshenv |
vd | none | Edit(vi) dotfiles root dir |
vv | none | Edit(vi) with /tmp/ongoing session |
vt | none | Edit(vi) with /dotfiles/.tmux.conf session |
vs | none | Edit(vi) ~/scripts root dir |
sz | none | Source .zshrc and .zshenv |
plcat | .plist file | OSX only: outputs human-readable contents of a .plist file |
pi/py | various | runs pipenv and pipenv run python respectively |
See also Git Aliases
Command | Params | Result |
k | see docs | alias to kubectl , so whatever you pass to kubectl |
k9s | see docs | UI for K8s. You're welcome |
klog | none | call kubelogin to authenticate in browser for current context |
kcon | context | alias to kubectl config use-context |
kcons | none | alias to kubectl config get-context |
kn | namespace | alias to kubectl config set-context --current --namespace |
lzy | none | opens lazydocker |
lzye | none | edits lazydocker config file |
dnuke | none | alias to docker system prune --volumes -af |
See also kubectl, docker-compose, docker-aliases or just run
alias | grep docker
to see them all!
ZSH has a command-line editor functionality,
which can be set to vim-mode but
defaults to emacs
. It's pretty nice, but I've become used to some of the emacs features. To bring
them back (and to make it act more like my vim), these changes were made
Key(s) | Mode | Action |
B | vicmd | Jumps to front of line (imitate ^ ) |
E | vicmd | Jumps to front of line (imitate $ ) |
↑ / ↓ | viins | Scrolls through previous commands (imitates emacs behavior) |
Sometimes you just don't want to dig through a bunch of scripts and want to know what a person suggests. Here's what makes my life easier:
- Homebrew / Cask (
grab the most recent version †git
gitHub actions in your CLI †the_silver_searcher
Bettah than awk †tmux
panel/window manager in terminal †bat
More secure, cleaner interface ††launchbar
Spotlight kinda sux ††slack
Please don't make me use teams ††pipenv
w/ python 3.7.2 †nvm
99 problems, but node versions ain't one †- ZSH Bettah than bash †
static analysis on scripts †git-secrets
enabled on this project †mas
CLI app store tool †cheat
CLI Cheat sheets †watch
re-run commands on timer †jq
process JSON output †k9s
CLI UI for K8s †docker
Container Manager ††lazydocker
CLI UI for Docker †- All my Vim config; sorry, you're gonna have to read it for details.
† Installable with Homebrew †† Installable with Homebrew Cask
kirbydance -> <(^.^<) (>^.^)> <(^.^)>
shruggy -> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
fliptable -> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
fixtable -> ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
middlefinger -> 凸 (`0´)凸