Implementation of a Greedy graph colouring and visualisation using tkinter. Simply run the python code, which will open a tkinter window with which the user can interact.
In both versions, the user can create a graph using the "draw vertex", "delete vertex", "draw edge" and "delete edge" button. To reset the canvas, click reset. The graph can then be coloured with a greedy colouring using the "colouring button".
In version 1, the colouring button simply presents the user with a completed greedy colouring. The colouring has been achieved using the largest degree ordering heuristic.
In version 2, the user can step through the colouring process vertex by vertex, allowing them to gain further understanding of greedy colouring using largest degree ordering
I wrote this a while ago when I knew even less about coding ettiquette than I do now (and nothing about git), so bon appetit