This document describes how to replicate the data and the results of the paper "Decentralized Crypto Governance? Transparency and Concentration in Ethereum Decision-Making" by Cesare Fracassi, Moazzam Khoja, and Fabian Schar.
- EIP List: The data collection process begins with scraping the list of EIPs and related authors from the Ethereum EIP page. This website contains information of all EIPs, their status and their authors. This data is collected using a web-scrapping code as of 06/21/2023. The code EIP list generating scrapes EIP Number, Authors, Status, and Title, and stores it into the file allEIPsandAuthorsv2.csv. (Note that the code was run on 6/21/2023. Rerunnign the code now would produce a different set of EIPs, as new EIPS have been added since then).
- EIP Author ID: The same EIP author name is sometime spelled differently in the EIP list. We thus take the EIP author list, and manually assign a unique author identidier (Author id) to each author and the related github handle. The file unique_author_names_with_id.csv includes the list of authors and id.
- EIP List and Standardized Authors: The python code pythoncode to prepare data merging takes the EIP list from allEIPsandAuthorV2.csv and perform following actions:
- replace multiple author_names with one standardized author name
- add the author id to each author
- save the file as Ethereum_Cross-sectional_Data_beg.csv.
- EIP Implementation. We manually went throguh all EIPs, and classified them on whether Whether an EIP requires a client implementation or not, and in which fork it was implemented. The information is saved in eip_implementation.csv
- EIP Start Date: collect start date of all eips and stores it into eip_startdates.csv
- EIP End Date: end date of all EIPs that have reached final stage stored in file finaleip_enddates.csv
- We use python code to create several centrality measures amongs all co-authors of EIPs. These measures are subsequently merged in the data
- Github Followers: Github Follower scrapes the github followers for each EIP authors with a github handle. The code generates an interim file which is stored in author_github_following_raw.csv. We apply python code github data reconciliation to reconcile an older version of this data and match it with author_ids in this code to create a final github data stored in GitHub_Data.csv
- Twitter Data: We manually collected information on the authors' Twitter following and Twitter followers, if available. This data is in Twitter_Data.csv.
- LinkedIn Data: We also manually collected data from LinkedIn, capturing details of up to four current companies where the authors are presently employed, along with their job titles. This also includes employees of Ethereum Foundation Additionally, we gathered information on up to the last 10 companies where they had previously worked, including their past job titles. This is in LinkedIn_Data.csv
- EIP Commit. Each EIP has a github repository. We collect all commitments made by any contributor to the EIP, whether they are an author or a contributor who may not be an author. This collection is done through a python code ???????.py the output of this code is a file eip_commit_beg.xlsx We merge this data in the cross-sectional data using eip_number as the key
- To flag whether the commitor to the eip repository is an eip author or not we merge it with author.dta (which is stata conversion of unique_author_names_with_id.csv). If the merged value matches author.dta we flag the github_username eip_author = 0/1. We then aggregate this data to create cross-sectional equivalent based on eip_number to get the following three values:
- Total number of commits to each EIP and merge it with the cross-sectional data in the data merging and call it total_commits
- Author Commits which is number of commits made by EIP Authors and merge it with the cross-sectional data in the data merging and call it author_commits
- Unique number of commitors excluding author that are commiting to the eip github for each eip. We call this variable contributors and merge this with the cross-sectional data in the data merging
- Client Commit. We also download all commit to the 4 largest client repositories: besu, erigon, geth, and nethermind. ???????.py scrapes the data, and stores it into four stata files commitsbesu.dta,commitserigon.dta,commitsgeth.dta, and "commitnethermind.dta".
- We then aggregate all commits by each github username
- We match github usernames with authors to see how many commits are done by eip authors
- We then merge this to the cross-sectional data for each author 1 to 11
- We create a maximum of all authors for eip. This process is repeated for 4 clients so we get geth_commits, besu_commits, erigon_commits, and nethermind_commits as four variables in the cross-sectional data. The process is included in the data merging
- Merge all files We use a stata code called data merging to create the cross-sectional data organized by EIP_Number. The following steps describe the process:
- The cross-sectional data is generated by first importing Ethereum_Crossectional_Data_beg.csv. This is the output of running python code pythoncode to prepare data merging
- The code import all the collected data which includes Github, Twitter, LinkedIn, Eip Commit, Start Dates, End Dates, Implementation, and Author
- After downloading the above files, we merge the following data:
- Eip commits and three measures created for eip commits for each eip
- twitter data for each author and create a tw_follower variable which is the maximum twitter follower of any of the authors listed in the EIP.
- Github Follower data on each author and create a gh_follower variable which is the maximum github follower of any of the authors listed in the EIP.
- Linkedin data for each author which includes, upto 4 companies in which author may be working and 10 past companies where authors might have worked along with their job titles. We later create dummy varibles representing top 10 companies where authors worked
- create a variable n_authors which represents the number of authors for each EIP
- merge centrality data which includes three centrality measures : betweenness, closeness, and eigen value centrality. Each author has a centrality measure so we create betweenness_centrality, Closeness_centrality, and eigen_value_centrality measure as the maximum of respective centrality measure of all authors
- merge start dates and end dates of all eips
- merge implementation data
- merge client commit data by adding client commits of each author for four clients (Besu, Erigon, Geth, and Nethermind) and then calculate four variables that represent the maxiumum commits by authors who contributed to client repository for each eip.
- rearrange variables
- create total client commit variables representing summ of four client commits
- create success variable that assigns the value of 1 if eip is final and 0 if eip is withdrawn or stagnant. It creates a missing value if eip's status is last call, review, or draft (in-progress)
- create implementation variable that assigns the value of 1 if eip is implemented in a Fork
- replace all missing values of tw_follower and gh_follower with 0
- create time to final variables as number of days between end date and start date
- create log_tw and log_gh as log( 1+gh/tw follower)
- Replication Steps
- Make sure you have all the files in the correct directory
- Assign proper directory to the data merging
- Run data merging
In our paper, we perform various analyses, each organized within dedicated folders. Below is a breakdown of the analysis purposes and the steps to replicate each one
Abnormal Return
- Located in the "Abnormal Return" folder, this code calculates abnormal returns by comparing ETH returns to those of S&P 500 and bitcoin.
- Execute the Python code
- The Raw Data folder stores ETH, BTC, and S&P 500 prices. S&P 500 prices are fetched from Yahoo Finance within the code.
- Upon running the code, it generates abnormal return graphs as results.
Anonymity Analysis
Within the "Anonymity Analysis" folder, you'll find code designed to identify individuals in community deliberations who opted for anonymity. To replicate this analysis, follow these steps:
- Execute the Python code Anonymity
- The code utilizes information from various sources, including EIP authors (extracted from Ethereum_Cross-Sectional_Data.dta), client data from client commit records for four clients, attendees from the attendees file (created during the name cleaning process), and contributors-only file (representing GitHub contributors of EIPs who are not EIP authors).
- Anonymity, in this context, is defined as any community participant signing up with a pseudonym or only providing a first name.
- The code employs an algorithm to identify such participants, with subsequent manual checks to address potential type I or type II errors.
- The final output is a graph illustrating the percentage of participants in each category who chose to remain anonymous.
Client Analysis
- The contents of the "Client Analysis" folder focus on analyzing client data to discern the impact of Ethereum Foundation and ConSensys on client developers.
- The analysis further generates a Lorenz curve, illustrating the concentration of commits made by developers for each client.
- To replicate this analysis, execute the file in Stata.
Commit Analysis Around Meetings
- Within this folder, the analysis revolves around scrutinizing the progression of commits around meetings
- To replicate this analysis, execute the code in Stata.
Magician Comment Analysis
Meeting Attendees and Ethereum Community Analysis
This folder analyze the overlap amongst participants who perform various activities in the Ethereum Community. The folder contains a sub-folder called Name Cleaning folder that has the code to standardized naming convention
Name Cleaning Folder
This sub-folder comprises three Python codes: Name Cleaning Codes for Attendees, Name Cleaning Codes for Contributors and Clients, and Name Cleaning Code Cross List. Each of these codes follows a specific process:
- Utilizes Python's fuzzywuzzy package to generate similarity scores from a flat list of unique names in the attendees list, obtained through a web scraping Python code in the Data\Data Gathering Code folder.
- The Python code to create flat list is employed to generate a list of meeting attendees. Similar processes are carried out for client contributors and EIP contributors (referred to as contributors in the code).
- Fuzzywuzzy similarity scores are obtained by comparing names within each list. A threshold of 76 is applied to filter names matching above this score, chosen after manual iteration and observation of different similarity scores.
- The names with similarity scores above the threshold are manually reviewed, resulting in a list of original names and replacement names. This manual process standardizes similar names into a common name. For example, a person may have used a full name with middle initial in one meeting while only use first and last name in other. Both these names belong to the same individual so one common name is used
- A second threshold (55 to 75) is applied for a similar exercise, with the same manual process to standardize names.
- A final manual check ensures that no name is counted more than once in obtaining the ultimate unique list of attendees.
- The entire process is repeated for EIP contributors and client contributors. The contributor list is initially separated from the author list to create a "contributors_only" list.
- The Name Cleaning Code Cross List appends the lists of authors, contributors_only, clients, and attendees. It applies fuzzywuzzy logic on standardized lists to further remove non-standard names from cross lists, ensuring consistency across the entire community.
- The name standardization process results in four lists: unique_attendees_final, unique_authors_final, unique_clients_final, and unique_contributorsonly_final.
Execution of Community Engagement
- The community engagement analysis code takes data from the finalized files and matches names to find names that are common in different lists. This code creates two files
- Name_Results which provides summary stats of number of unique individuals of the commuinity in different files and number of overlapping individuals in multiple lists. For example, number of authors who are also eip contributors
- unique_name_allplayers This file contains names of individuals in four lists which are sorted so that those individuals can be easily identified that exists in multiple lists
- The above code also generates a venn diagram called venn_diagram which uses python code to generate venn diagram of meeting attendees, authors, and clients. It omits contributors only
- The manually created powerpoint slide called venn diagram.pptx has been manually created to show graphically overlap amongst four categories of community participants, attendees, authors, eip contributors (not authors), and clients
- The community engagement analysis code takes data from the finalized files and matches names to find names that are common in different lists. This code creates two files
Execution of
- The Top 10 in community code identifies most active top 10 participants in meeting attendees, clients, and authors lists to see what percent of top 10 participants overlap amongst various list. This analysis is designed to find whether key players are ones who overlap the most
- The result of this code produces two files
- top10 is a list of 10 most prolific authors, top 10 attendees of dev call meetings, and top 10 people who had the most commits on client github repositories
- top10_community_engagement file provides the percent of people who overlap in more than one list amongst the most prolific members of the list
- Within this folder, there is one Stata code called Execute this code to replicate regression results of the paper
- Within this folder, contains all the latex tables and figures of the paper