This project was implemented as part of Alfresco virtual hackathon 2021.
Nowadays applications are deployed more and more to a cloud. Since Alfresco first choice for the cloud provider is AWS, this project will focus on running "local" AWS environment using LocalStack.
Currently, LocalStack allows mocked AWS S3 storage, the project will use especially this AWS service. AWS RDS (managed service for database) is currently available in LocalStack Pro, so it will not be used.
Using LocalStack all developers can test a source code it doesn't require AWS account. Another advantage is possible integration testing with mocked AWS service(s).
- SDK 4.2 with Alfresco Community 7
- Add common dependencies:
- Adding community project for integration with "real" AWS S3:
- Alfresco S3 Adapter
- Configure AWS credentials for testing -> If OK, continue with next step
- Configure LocalStack to work with mocked S3 storage
- "For fun part": Add SDK5 (out-of-process) project that will simulate behaviours and move content to different locations
This is PoC project. Using that in PROD is on your own risk.
- It's possible to use Alfresco S3 Adapter with LocalStack :-)
- Build alfresco-s3-adapter project - It is used as library for communication with AWS
$ git clone
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests
- Or use Maven artifactory provided by Redpill-Linpro
- Install the latest versions of Docker + Docker Compose + AWS CLI 2
- Clone LocalStack project and run required services
$ git clone
- Update SERVICES to use just S3 + set UI port to different than 8080 + TMPDIR
$ TMPDIR=/tmp PORT_WEB_UI=9999 SERVICES=s3 docker-compose up -d
- If everything is OK, you should see
localstack_main | Ready.
- Create profile for AWS localstack user
$ aws configure --profile localstack
- Create S3 bucket in LocalStack
$ aws s3api --endpoint-url http://localhost:4566 create-bucket --bucket my-bucket --region eu-central-1 --profile localstack
- As result, you should see
{"Location": "/my-bucket"}
- Configure Alfresco to use LocalStack in
- aws.accessKey=123 # AFAIK, it is not used but usually it should correspond to AWS credentials
- aws.secretKey=123456 # Same as above
- aws.regionName= # If empty, default is US-EAST-1
- aws.s3.bucketName=my-bucket # Name corresponds to bucket name that was created in LocalStack
- aws.s3.endpoint=http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:4566 # Change XXX by proper IP address where LocalStack is running
- aws.s3.rootDirectory=/alfresco/contentstore # Root folder for Alfresco content in S3 bucket. If missing, it is created automatically.
- Verification that content is in S3 bucket provided by LocalStack
- Start Alfresco SDK and see that files are stored in LocalStack
$ aws s3 --endpoint-url http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:4566 ls --recursive s3://my-bucket --profile localstack
- Expected result:
2021-06-16 13:17:47 20964 alfresco/contentstore/2021/6/16/17/17/00369794-aef6-4203-b40b-e4d047b0c9ae.bin 2021-06-16 13:17:47 74240 alfresco/contentstore/2021/6/16/17/17/003f93ec-2c2a-43ef-876e-fe044e52c513.bin ...
- Start Alfresco SDK and see that files are stored in LocalStack