Patches for customizing our local DMOJ instance.
- Setup the project folders as:
- dmoj
- online-judge-patches (this project:
git clone
) - online-judge-custom (our customized code:
git clone online-judge-custom
) - online-judge-production (our production code:
rsync -azP root@dmoj-prod:/etc/dmoj/site/ online-judge-production
- online-judge-patches (this project:
Within the
path, create a new folder using the current date as the name. Important: all the commands will be launched from the current folder (online-judge-patches/). -
Opening the
project with Visual Studio Code will prompt every customized file as commit pending changes to the 'custom' repo (fetch needed). The idea is mantain the 'custom' repo updated with the 'source' repo (the original DMOJ one) sending some pull-requests. But sometimes, a bit of customization is needed in production (for example, to avoid the wevent error). -
Files can be ignored locally adding entries with
nano .git/info/exclude
. -
, run a diff command for every file or folder within online-judge that has been customized, for example:diff -Nur ../online-judge-custom/templates/problem/problem.html ../online-judge-production/templates/problem/problem.html > 2022-12-20/templates_problem.txt
Review the patch files, because could include custom changes and also legit updates; if so, remove the legit updates (remote changes).
The folder created at the first step contains all the customization done into the production dmoj's online-judge instance.
Edit the file
and setup thePATCH
var with the newly created folder name. -
Run the
At this point, the project folder should contain the following:
- dmoj
- online-judge-patches (this project)
- online-judge-custom (the custom code)
- online-judge-production (the production code, is the custom code with the patches applied)
- online-judge-production.backup (the original production code)
Opening the
project with Visual Studio Code should prompt every customized file as commit pending changes. Review it and fix it if needed. -
Copy the patched version from the local host to the production host with:
rsync -azP ../online-judge-production/ root@dmoj-prod:/etc/dmoj/site
Commit only changes on online-judge-patches, undo changes on other projects.
Connect to the production host and:
- Go to the installation folder:
cd /etc/dmoj
- Activate the virtualhost:
. dmojsite/bin/activate
- Go to the online-judge folder:
cd site
- Perform the migrations:
python3 migrate
- Compilte the CSS styles and setup static files:
./ python3 collectstatic python3 compilemessages python3 compilejsi18n
- If needed, upgrade the dmoj judge service:
pip3 install --upgrade dmoj
- Restart the server and test:
sudo reboot