A shared library of Jenkins Pipeline steps to help setup and teardown MySQL test databases. Customization parameters are provided, but if all you care about is creating a test database and removing it after you're done with it, you can use the defaults and be fine.
This shared library makes the following steps available to your Declarative Pipeline scripts:
This step will build a new test database for your Pipeline to use, as well as adding a test user with full privileges on that database. The name of the test database and the test user will be returned in a Groovy map.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
// Setup the database
script {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'jenkins-database-username', variable: 'DATABASE_USERNAME')]) {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'jenkins-database-password', variable: 'DATABASE_PASSWORD')]) {
def test_database_credentials = buildTestMySQLDatabase {
echo 'Test Database Name: ' + test_database_credentials.dbName
echo 'Test Username: ' + test_database_credentials.testUsername
echo 'Test User Password: ' + test_database_credentials.testUserPassword
This step will destroy the test database when it is no longer needed, also removing the test user and revoking all privileges it had.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
// ...Pipeline steps here...
post {
always {
destroyTestMySQLDatabase {
dbUser = credentials('jenkins-database-username')
dbPass = credentials('jenkins-database-password')