Scan fresh pools every 200 blocks for new arbitrage opportunities.
Any arbitrage that last more than 2 consecutives blocks will be executed if the flag --send-tx
is passed.
Play with different --min-liquidity
and --max-liquidity
to ensure processing all arbitrage paths under 10 seconds.
Usage: [OPTIONS]
--kovan point to kovan test network
--debug Display logs
--send-tx Flag to activate sending tx on-chain
--max-amount FLOAT Set max amount to trade with in WETH (Default:
--min-amount FLOAT set min amount to trade with in weth (default:
--min-liquidity INTEGER Set minimum liquidity (Default: 30,000)
--max-liquidity INTEGER Set max liquidity (Default: 100,000)
--help Show this message and exit.
Observe the mempool for arbitrageurs that we are sniping.
A single arbitrategeur can be passed via --address
or a list can be defined in yamls/snipers.yaml.
Goal is to observe any arbitrage and outbid them by 1 Wei.
Usage: [OPTIONS]
--kovan Point to Kovan test network
--debug Display logs
--max-amount FLOAT Set max amount to trade with in WETH (Default: 6.0)
--min-amount FLOAT Set min Amount to trade with in WETH (Default: 3.0)
--send-tx Send the transaction on-chain
--address TEXT Specify a specific arbitrageur address to snipe
--help Show this message and exit.
Simply scan pools for arbitrage opportunities.
Usage: [OPTIONS]
--kovan Point to Kovan test network
--debug Display logs
--max-amount FLOAT Set max amount to trade with in WETH (Default:
--min-amount FLOAT Set min Amount to trade with in WETH (Default:
--min-liquidity INTEGER Set minimum liquidity (Default: 30,000)
--max-liquidity INTEGER Set max liquidity (Default: 500,000)
--help Show this message and exit.
- virtualenv venv
- source venv/bin/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
Requirement: install direnv:
- cp .envrc.default .envrc
- direnv allow